Reviews for The AVIS Band
Ducky4Eva chapter 17 . 6/4/2024
This is an utterly gorgeous story! I really enjoyed it! You have a talent for writing these beloved characters, and weaving the original Anne stories and moments through in a completely new way as well. I loved imagining them all playing in a band, and goodness me, Gil can sing to me any day. *swoon*
Guest chapter 17 . 10/11/2021
I loved this so much. I loved the way you weaved in bits from the books. Also who can't get enough of Gil shirtless in leather trousers ? ! ? Not me! Also it was so funny, especially di and Charlie .
thegoldensnitch102 chapter 15 . 9/14/2021
Enjoyed the candy heart reference :)
Guest chapter 14 . 8/30/2021
I was trying to wait for the end to review, got thisclose, but chapter 14 is just so sweet, capturing that nervous uncertainty perfectly, plus Anne's hungover mortification, and Stella and Priss making Gil squirm, and Diana being so excited for her friend... So good!
CCPH chapter 17 . 8/11/2021
loved it!
CCPH chapter 2 . 8/10/2021
A proper introduction all around. Nice heat to everyone’s introductions too. Why do I get a feeling GilRuby aren’t going to be quite what they seem and that Charlie Sloane is going to be 100% exactly as he seems.
CCPH chapter 1 . 8/10/2021
Now this is how you start a slow simmer: a properly insulted Anne with a practically transparent blouse eyeballing an overly confident Gil with an unbuttoned shirt. Stir in a cheerleader gf, along with a crazy fan base, and a pinch of a squillionaire hottie hoisting beers and I think we have a recipe for the most delicious fic!
AnneNGil chapter 17 . 3/25/2021
O. M. G ! I can't say "pronking" with a straight face! I can't even stop giggling about it!

You are an absolute master at weaving the original with the modern. Bravo ! A thoroughly silly and fantastic read.

I'm curious if you've considered a one chapter addition on Anne playing guitar for Gilbert in her room. ;-)?
AnneNGil chapter 16 . 3/24/2021
So that's Anne's story! And she and Di were besties before coming to Redmond! Love this. I really do. And they really are delightful together. :-)
AnneNGil chapter 15 . 3/24/2021
This is so good! This Gil is so full of himself, yet very adorable all the same. I wish Anne would have told more of herself. I'm so curious on her background. I feel like something they bonded about in the book was of them both being poor and working to earn their wsy through college. I'm curious if that will be a thing in this AU.

I like how you got them together after Gil had broken it off with ruby and waited a bit. It wouldn't have felt right back to back, or overlapping.
AnneNGil chapter 14 . 3/24/2021
AnneNGil chapter 13 . 3/24/2021
Oh my goodness! Another brilliant chapter!
AnneNGil chapter 12 . 3/24/2021
This whole chapter was brilliant! Loved the song inspired by Bingen on the Rhine. You are very clever.
AnneNGil chapter 11 . 3/24/2021
I don't know how you are doing it, but somehow you've managed to make Charlie even more obnoxious every chapter.

And good for you for adding in the fears about Christine. This story is delicious.
AnneNGil chapter 9 . 3/24/2021
That was the best!
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