Reviews for Bond |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 Absolutely dying for the next chapter. This chapter is oh so good. Totally in love with your writing, please keep it coming..and fast! :) |
only-more-love chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 What an intriguing beginning! Some things I liked: Bond as the name of the club - it just seems fitting. She gave a small yawn, tightened her grip around his neck, and mumbled, "You smell nice." She heard him snort a laugh. "Do I? Merlin help us all. Gryffindor's princess thinks I smell nice." (I just liked that cute, snarky exchange. I could hear it, and it seemed very them.) "Yes, Hermione. People do quite a bit of things besides drink tea and read books." (That made me laugh. I like how you've written Luna here, and how you've written her and Hermione's friendship.) You have us asking some questions, such as, did Jez, in fact, spike Hermione's drink? And if so, why? Also, why did Draco looked embarrassed when Luna saw him and Hermione together - and how is that connected to whatever Luna is going to let Hermione figure out on her own? Poor Hermione; if she follow's Draco's directive, it's going to be a long week for her. ;) Thanks very much for writing and sharing this story. This first chapter hooked me, and I'm truly looking forward to seeing what you've in store for Hermione, Draco, and everybody else in future chapters. |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 This is what happens Hermione Granger if you go into sex clubs dressed like Sookie Stackhouse walking into Fangtasia: You have to wait a week for release- A week! I think I love you MrB, or at least I love your stories. |
TheNameIsNym chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 Oh heavenly Father. I can not WAIT to see where this goes! |
Sazzzzzle chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 Promise of chapter 1 means I think I will be doing a lot of newspaper face wafting reading this. You are incorrigable Ms.B. please continue *swirly hand bow*. |
Malibu Baybreeze chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 I really loved this first chapter. I definitely can't wait to see what's ahead! |
Sam Wallflower chapter 1 . 8/4/2016 OMG! NEW STORY! YAY! *squeal* Good Lord, this was hot. What a way to begin a fic! :) Oh, I love Luna here! She's very interesting... She intrigue me. I was wondering... Is Draco married to Astoria? I have to confess that I've been looking for a fic like this for ages! *blush* This is going to be epic, I can feel it. I'm hooked! I'm really excited to see where you take this. I can't wait for the next update! Lots of love, Iris. |
Bridget Vo chapter 1 . 8/3/2016 OK! I HAVE to know what happens next! What can I do to help you write faster? What is the deal with Draco? Is he really married? What is Luna hiding? Did she bring Hermione to run into Draco on purpose? Did they plan it? Did Luna spike her drink? I MUST KNOW! OK, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE how very Slytherin Draco is for tricking Hermione and omitting the truth- that there is no X on her hands not because she isn't uncomfortable, but because they don't work once you enter a room. Are you sure you are Gryffindor? You write the Slytherin point of view very well. Love this story! Love your writing. And it is torture, but I love the suspense. And hate it. But love it. Grrrrrr! |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/3/2016 Ooh, I'm so intrigued! Keep it coming! Giraffe :) |
LightofEvolution chapter 1 . 8/3/2016 OMG! She's got no chance, he got her seduced! Claps to you for taking a kinkier route- it is still classy and I doubt it will ever be cheap! Loved Luna, that's the first time I find her this confident by all means! As always you have an elaborate plot on your mind, it's definitely no PWP here! Wonder of Draco is with Astoria...? Keep on writing this, really really love it! But you got me in a situation here where it goes in my head: Update Sex Ed! No, update Family ties! No, update Bond! Update all! Aaah!;) |
Zaronna chapter 1 . 8/3/2016 I'm happy you wrote this on a whim, it's delectable! Please continue and finish the other three parts mentioned in your story! |
iwasbotwp chapter 1 . 8/3/2016 A new story by you makes my day! I am very excited for more. I like the last little line from Hermione - perfect irreverent ending. |