Reviews for Animagus at War
CRoseSing chapter 29 . 1/28/2021
Omg! This is an amazing story. This story has gotten increasingly intriguing as it diverged, not only from cannon, but also every other fic I’ve read (which are many.) Your plot is incredibly original! Even though this has a more serious feel to it than some of your others, because the antagonists are much more powerful, I think that makes it even more engrossing because you don’t know when or how the good guys will win. The drama and suspense you’ve built are amazing.

I enjoyed reading the new chapters in this after a reread of the Arithmancy stories. Thank you for sharing your amazing imagination and talent during this stressful time!
threereasonswhy chapter 29 . 1/25/2021
Holy hell no! Update soon! I think i died!
YellowGetRekt chapter 20 . 1/23/2021
UMMMM I thought PROUDFOOT died in the askaban breakout.
AquaEclipse chapter 29 . 1/15/2021
The fact that Peeves killed a man was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one, which made me laugh at 4:13am. But the ending of the chapter… how the fuck? What the fuck? Who the fuck? Or in summary, FUCK?!
(press f to pay respects)
AquaEclipse chapter 20 . 1/15/2021
OH MY GOODNESS. I left for a while to venture into other fandoms and come back to see that the Ministry goes into exile?! Sweet heavens. What happened while I was gone?
Paradox28 chapter 1 . 1/11/2021
damn. they killed Peeves, huh? I wonder how fred and george are going to react to that.
Taylex233 chapter 29 . 1/9/2021
I know you have been having trouble uploading new chapters, especially of late. I just wanted to give you my encouragement to continue this amazing story. I truly cannot wait for the next installment of the well planned and well-executed story. Keep up the good work!
TennysonPoet chapter 18 . 1/5/2021
Good story but soo many things wrong too. In my opinion. I can’t rant and rave without spoilers but I love it and I hate it with equal fevour. Thanks so much.
Guest chapter 29 . 1/2/2021
Finally, I've been waiting so longgg for another update!
Big Slippins chapter 9 . 1/2/2021
wow, this catnip thing is such a major weakness for harry that it'll almost certainly get someone killed
padfoot624 chapter 29 . 1/2/2021
I love this story and of course the Accidental Animagus. Your take on the world is so much better the JKR's, I've recommended both to all of my friends that have read the books because your story is much better developed and better written. I love the Harry/Luna pairing, its my favorite, and I really hope Ginny and Colin end up together too. In the main series she is my favorite character so she deserves a happy ending as well. Anyway, I love the latest update, things just got real! As soon as I read about the person being guarded I almost dropped my phone and whispered shouted about how they were trying to break out Grindlewald; and I was right! This chapter was so suspenseful I love it, please update again soon
RedHunter87 chapter 29 . 12/28/2020
Well killed a ghost. I can't wait to find out how. Potter and Draco working together at all will be interesting. And Dumbledore continues to prove what a bad ass he is.

Have a happy new year and hopefully we get another chapter early next year. I had to reread the entire story when this chapter dropped and it was worth it.
Guest chapter 29 . 12/20/2020
The Dark Eccentric chapter 29 . 12/20/2020
Good to see an update on this story again! Still quite enjoying it. Good way to touch on a lot of the goings on. Not much technically happened "on screen" here, but you managed to keep things interesting and progress some events nevertheless.
Trying to remember some things for this story. Read a lot of Harry Potter fanfics and they blur together after a while. Trying to remember if this story had any major casualties on the heroes side yet...
shraeya05 chapter 29 . 12/18/2020
Can't wait for the next chapter!
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