Reviews for Dangerous Beauty
WhiteLodoss chapter 16 . 9/5/2013
It's been 8 years since you've updated this, but I want to tell you that I really enjoyed this. Damn, it got "the feels" happening. Such good angst! You've truly made me feel for the characters of the story. Anyway you've done well with the plotline/characterization. I hope you continue to write 'cause you've certainly got a talent for it! Hope all is well in real life :)
WhiteLodoss chapter 11 . 9/5/2013
"My father used to describe people as different types who deal with pain. Some openly cry and others hold it in within their hearts turning it as bitter as what is held back. And I wonder if that is what many of us in this teahouse are going through. Are we all just living in a daze, concealing our sad stories within ourselves, pretending it's okay? I hate that notion, but these days, I find myself questioning my own belief that I didn't agree with any of my father's words-that they weren't true."

I LOVED this part. I was like "OH DAMN", that up there just described all 11 chapters for me
Aki no Ryu chapter 15 . 5/1/2013
I cried over this chapter. I feel that Megumi died for a cause. I want to believe that in het death, in taking Kaoru's place, she found some redemption. I did want a Sanosuke Megumi pairing but I guess there's no chance of that anymore.
Aki no Ryu chapter 6 . 5/1/2013
Waaah! Did Sanosuke sleep with Misao?
Aki no Ryu chapter 2 . 5/1/2013
Wow, good eye, Akira.
mysterious person101 chapter 5 . 11/25/2012
I'm still warming up to it, but i like it! :)
champylin chapter 16 . 7/26/2010
so i was reading this story till sunlight was peering through the blinds of my window... and sleepiness has deluded me... and i'm still asking for more! WAH!

I totally LOVE this story... it is most unique out of the fanfics i've read... and of course very beautifully written.

I hope you would someday find it in your heart to continue this marvelous story you have written.

Lots of love,

champylin :D
Blonde B-Ball Star chapter 16 . 5/25/2009
I can't believe I am still reviewing and coming back to this fanfic. I love reading and your fanfic has been one of the stories that I have always come back to. I would love for you to finish this and continue on with this story, it is such a masterpiece of the A/K universe.

I really beg of you to continue this and finish what a wonderful story you have started.
JMai chapter 16 . 10/22/2007
After all of these years I can't believe I still remember this fic. I think it was 3 years ago that I started following this fic (was reviewing under 'Jen')? It's so good I just had to read over and over again, and I really hope you don't discontinue this. Even though it's been 2 years since the last update, I still have hope that one day I'll get a pleasant surprise and find a notification for this fic.

I hope you are doing well with your studies and new job. I will see you in the new chapter ;)

Thank you for writing this.
Daisy's Blog chapter 4 . 12/13/2006
Dang, this is intense
Renleek chapter 13 . 8/9/2006

I am terribly sorry for the lack of coherency of my last review. See? That's how much your fic affected me! I was momentarily dazed and couldn't make sense of what I was writing. This is what I MEANT to say:

OH MY GOODNESS... this piece is TOO amazing... I shall commit suicide if this fic has been forgotten... really, if you just say that you'll UPDATE someday, I'll be happy. I TRULY TRULY hope you will UPDATE (not review, like I wrote previously **snickers**) this wonderful story, it has captured me to a level that I can't describe. Please for the love of God update this fic.*whines and cries*
Renleek chapter 16 . 8/9/2006
OH MY GOODNESS... this piece is TOO amazing... I shall commit suicide if this fic has been forgotten... really, if you just say that you'll someday, I'll be happy. I TRULY TRULY hope you will review this wonderful story, it has captured me to a level that I can't describe. Please for the love of God update this fic.*whines and cries*
Renleek chapter 15 . 8/9/2006
WHOA! Aoshi kissed Kaoru! My heart thumped as if I were in her shoes at that moment! Butterflies and all... WHOA! Everything that happened up til now made this even more spectacular of a moment!... speechless...
Renleek chapter 14 . 8/9/2006
Oh no Megumi! I have to admit I don't fancy her very much in the series but in this fic I feel sorry for her. Oh no! Might she have gone with Iizuka?... damn
Renleek chapter 13 . 8/9/2006
Oh no Kaoru had her "innocence" taken away from her! I was half-expecting (hoping) that Aoshi comes in to save the day but this makes it much more realistic. Poor poor Kaoru and Tomoe and Megumi for that matter...
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