Reviews for Air
Guest chapter 44 . 2/5
You are spectacular.
Guest chapter 38 . 2/4
I have only just now noticed that this fic is incomplete and hasn’t been updated since 2020. Praying it’s completed on Ao3
solariya chapter 44 . 9/18/2024
Oh no! I really wish part two had been finished by the time I got here to the end, but I really enjoyed every moment of the reading. I love this story and the relationships you built inside it. Your writing is great, it's been a while since I throughly enjoyed fanfiction and read it invested, rather than to find out what happens next. It had me laughing, smiling, and also curling my toes in nervousness during the battle! Not to mention squealing during the tender moments between Hermione and Viktor.

It has been a long time since this update but I hope one day you have room in your life to come back and finish this! For now, I'm going to ruffle through your faves list because clearly, you have good taste. Hope this reaches you. Cheers!
solariya chapter 32 . 9/18/2024
I really love how you portrayed Viktor slowly getting better at English! It's so detailed without spelling it out every time. I also appreciate how you don't have to spell out when Viktorfriends are switching to their native language. I usually find it a little immsersion breaking. I've never checked what chapter I'm ln so many times while reading, I'm really dreading finishing what's available!
solariya chapter 2 . 9/17/2024
I love it already! Wonderful writing.
Hupsidupsi chapter 44 . 8/19/2024
Thank you for this great story so far! I could not stop reading. Your approach might even be better than Rowlings original! I hope you will finish it
Aldy 97 chapter 44 . 8/17/2024
This is such a great story, I sincerely hope that you'll continue it someday !
Slytherinmymind chapter 44 . 8/15/2024
I know you haven't updated in 4 years and probably never won't again, but I come back to it every know and then to check regardless. I really live this storythe plot, the writing, the characters... Thank you so much for writing it!
SunflowersandRainyDays chapter 44 . 8/8/2024
I miss this fic so much
orangeoctapus chapter 44 . 7/5/2024
This is such a lovely story, I hope it finds an ending some day.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/11/2024
Please come back and finish this.
QuothThatRaven chapter 44 . 2/11/2024
I've been obsessed with this fic for the last week. Its been the only thing I've read. I really love how you flesh out the world and not just England. How side characters get their day and of course the lovely mutual respect and deep love between Hermione and Victor. Thanks for writing :)
EvanescoVeritas chapter 44 . 2/3/2024
Just gave this whole story a re-read, and I love it as much as ever! I hope you’re okay, dear author.
sootypoodle chapter 1 . 11/27/2023
This is one of my favorite stories—hope you are well!
Nemo122 chapter 44 . 9/3/2023
Love this story and still here when you feel like writing more!
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