Reviews for The Games We Play - By Ryuugi
H3L9M39L3A53 chapter 240 . 1/19
Seems the second book shall never be written as I went to space Battle whatever the f*ck the site is called and check. It was previewed at 2016 and hasn't been touched since. So I'll consider it dead completely. Really well written and you can read the story without to much of an empty feeling knowing that it has a small chance to ever be talked about, let alone updated. 9/10 read only because its never being touched again. RIP, thanks for bringing this to and happy days
InfiniteShadow3 chapter 57 . 1/4
Guess Crocea Mors wont be his main weapon then if hes constantly resorting to his Alternate Persona's Martial Arts
InfiniteShadow3 chapter 1 . 1/3
Hope you have Brackets to show when the System is being shown
Ironic Ailibi chapter 52 . 1/3
Arkhcthuul chapter 194 . 11/23/2024
This and the nfollowingnfhapters are amongnthe best double blufd triple bliff in fanfoc ever.

Ryuigi is at times incredible.

If just he would finish more of his stuff...
Arkhcthuul chapter 184 . 11/22/2024
Both ancool and truly utterly deeply sad final line...

When he gets a red ring ala Khalmin (see "With this ring", he will be near unstoppable...

Ah, my eternal wondering about crossovers of cyoa...
Arkhcthuul chapter 165 . 11/21/2024
Once ahain, supwrb world building and design.

And fantastic cloffhanger if, lile o was, someone is firther along RWBY...
Arkhcthuul chapter 155 . 11/20/2024
Prpbably one of tje coolest combat descriptions in the whole "book" (saying fic to a project longer than war and peace feels... bad).
Arkhcthuul chapter 150 . 11/18/2024
Back in the forum, thos was amongnthe top 5 cliffhangers for me.

And given whata to come, and what alteady was, i am still incredibly dissappointed ryugi stopped where he did.

Although, wouldnt it be fun if "somebody" had orgabized the reborth of the other archanges except the 2 to be jaunes seven sisters?
Their descriptions partially fit oarts of keter bit also malkith, so ot is fully possible... Inlikely, bit hck of a party to imagine... And to ask obeself of the sosterly love would prevail...
Arkhcthuul chapter 116 . 11/1/2024
Somehow, the interactioness dance between jaun as jian as Bai Hus reincarbation and Raven are my favourite non mythology parts of this fic.

Its just so... Nice to see Branwen reel internally a few times within minites without ACTUALLY meaning to make her do so.

Also, ita not REALLY trolling ibtentionally, even if it os on multiple levels.

In ahort: love these chapters.
Arkhcthuul chapter 91 . 10/27/2024
Still a little mad about ryugi abobdoning this before clarifying all about ruby...
ArkhCthuul chapter 87 . 10/26/2024
One ofnthe most intense chaoters when you read it thenfirst time. Absolitely frighteningly well done!
ArkhCthuul chapter 34 . 10/19/2024
This chapter was amazing... Except, ya know, bdorntjenensbandbMr. Xodfeee or maybe a mokka latte or aimilar, that...

It ovrdoes ozpons "I am wverswherevwen
ArkhCthuul chapter 32 . 10/19/2024
This is do far thr brst chapter.

Rarely the ai/Bio interaction is THIS well written..

Bravo! "
kiampp chapter 1 . 8/13/2024
Damn I feel cheated. Spend weeks reading a million word fic just to find out it doesn't even has an end even though it says completed. The sequel hasn't been updated in 8 years... Bit of a waste of time if I am honest.
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