Reviews for The Diary
Isinuelle chapter 52 . 1/21
I love it! The story is making more sense now! I know you were nervous but I was trying to figure out how everything was being manipulated without Hermione being present.

I can't wait for the next chapter!
Inhdrae chapter 52 . 1/20
so happy about that update and so happily surprise by that new future pov !

will this be a regular thing for the rest of the story? i really hope so ! impatient to see how future Tom react to the change (once he discovered it) and to learn more about the original timeline from Future Hermione.

seeing Young Tom change throught his friends eyes he fun to !

thank you for sharing your amazing story with us!
WandsandWhiskey chapter 52 . 1/20
Excellent chapter!
Stephanie MRV chapter 52 . 1/20
Omg no nooooooo
Poor babies
They love her so much
Double R Starr chapter 52 . 1/18
i was so excited when i saw an update! im a little confused. Is this hermione the older one? Also, i thought tom couldnt see her for fear of messing up the timelines shes trying to change?
BeccaBee chapter 52 . 1/18
Thank you for this chapter! The start of another back story to help us understand the why and how of hermione’s notes to abraxas and flynn is so interesting. I am so excited to see where you take this story!
Yeldi chapter 51 . 1/17
Hello! I've just discovered your story and I loved it! Time travel and messing with time is a particular favorite of mine. I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Mellykins chapter 47 . 11/22/2024
So, this story is amazing. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it! Thank you for writing this, youre truly talented at storytelling! And, if i may be so bold, stop apologizing for the being “late” with chapters. Its a gift to all the readers that youre writing this at all! Go at whatever pace life allows you. Nobody is paying you for this! And i know from experience that life is just tough to balance, and inspiration doesnt have a proper rhythm! Youre doing an incredible job. (Insert applause)
Trouble1528 chapter 1 . 11/19/2024
I am officially IN LOVE with this story. I stumbled on to it a few days ago and havent stopped reading it sonce. I am caught up kow and cant wait for you to update. Thank you, thank you for writing this!
LittleDragon5 chapter 51 . 10/29/2024
All I could think when I reread last chapter, did Hamilton come out earlier than I thought in this time dimension? If indeed that was the musical in mention. Looking forward to many more chapters.
Thanks for another chapter.
Wynter Phoenix chapter 51 . 10/27/2024
I'm usually not fond of RH books, but Vicious Lost Boys was absolutely FANTASTIC. Excellent, chapter by the way!
Concrete63 chapter 51 . 10/27/2024
Thank you for writing, I hate the days getting shorter and the nights longer myself but few months and the days begin to lengthen again.
rubyred753 chapter 51 . 10/27/2024
An update! Always a pleasure and enjoyable surprise. Enjoyed reading about Hermione's continued efforts to soothe/tame the wild beastie...
Guest chapter 50 . 9/23/2024
This is so good! I really hope it’s not abandoned!
W. L. O'Fallon chapter 50 . 8/2/2024
Awww its not over! This is truly an amazing piece if work! Its nice to have it displayed and the timelines are beautifully seperated! I sure want to see more notes From elder Hermione, however, i wonder if she was the one with the obscurialhow it affects her timeline since she would be changed. So that means a new version of her will be writing?
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