Reviews for Best Served Cold
Primus2021 chapter 2 . 1/10
Harry x Hermione, please.
homophones AGAIN chapter 4 . 1/4
it's HAPhazard not HALF HAZARD you blithering idiot
Nitpick chapter 1 . 12/31/2024
I don't understand where the signatures came from. Are the future Death Eaters supposed to have signed them for some reason? This isn't something that should be a mystery for future chapters. You're trying to sell it as badass but I'm too confused to be impressed.

And it's 1989/1991. There is no Google to invest in and cat ladies having jobs over the internet is still science fiction. And you can't claim to have shifted the timeline, because chapter 2 almost immediately whines about crappy laptops and modems.

Then there's the lack of proofreading that led to mistakes like "piss on the asses".
Issei Uzumaki chapter 3 . 12/30/2024
Soccer was a British term, if you’re gonna mock an entire country get the facts right
AerynS chapter 16 . 12/30/2024
i'm still laughing!
MusicMan1o57 chapter 1 . 12/20/2024
I know you probably wont see this, but i was hoping you’d be open to posting some of your older fics on your AO3 account? I have become legally blind to the point i had to enlarge the text innthe app to read, but found out it doesnt increase the font in the story descriptions. You’re my favorite author on this sight but its near impossible to find my fave older fics to reread.
meijkej chapter 16 . 12/13/2024
I love this story! Way too funny and I love the inclusion of Snape and Blaise and Luna and Filch and basically anyone that was wronged to begin with. All about the Dumbledore bashing for sure!
TLD110166 chapter 2 . 11/9/2024
Just an FYI. The tax place in the UK is called Inland Revenue, not Internal Revenue.
Hudy Leak613 chapter 16 . 11/3/2024
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
XxFreezexX chapter 2 . 11/2/2024
Ah.. I thought I was reading a fic where he uses actual well thought out loopholes and fine print to finesse all the gold from his enemies. I was willing to overlook the time travel reactivation of his Auditor badge because the premise seemed fun, but actually having the contracts themselves be from the future where he happened to outplay 20 pureblood families in games of poker is just not fun.

Your writing is solid though so I'll keep reading. Nothing stale so far.
lou2003us chapter 16 . 10/28/2024
I really want to see what happens next. Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the great work!
Chrisfragger chapter 2 . 10/10/2024
This is silly... So Time Travel is just an accepted thing? Happens all the time? Then why has no one avada kadavra'ed a sleeping Tom Riddle in his orphanage bed?

Personally I'm not a fan of how OPEN and bluntly Harry is dealing with his enemies... And also, making the Dursley's rich? Hudreds of THOUSANDS a month? Bah I won't insult you, I'll just take my leave.
comeonbabyamericuh chapter 16 . 9/28/2024
HyroTheGodOfFiction chapter 3 . 9/15/2024
"Only the Americans considered their "football" (they called the actual thing soccer for some bizarre reason) superior to the real thing."

The American football is around a foot in length, and the British called European Football Soccer first (check out the YT Channel Lost In The Pond for a more in depth description)
OscuraCat chapter 16 . 9/13/2024
Absolutely loved this so much!
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