Reviews for The Debt
BarbedCaress chapter 1 . 10/21/2017
Loved this!
mach2 chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
Exceptionally Brilliant. Would heartily recommend reading. Mach2
TheBreacher89 chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
Absolutely loved this story! Thanks for posting it :)
EJ Daniels chapter 1 . 10/9/2017
I greatly enjoyed this piece and your spin of the Harry and Fleur pairing. After reading so many fics here it is always a pleasure to come across one done slightly different from the rest. Well done!

Kind Regards,

EJ Daniels
Inevitably weird chapter 1 . 10/4/2017
Just as many others here I am not inquiring location or anything about you. I just want to express my desire for more work from you the potter protector series and harry potter geth are fantastic reads. Please continue your work I look forward to your next story. I definitely like your style of posting nearly all at once. Take care
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
Entertaining. Thanks for posting.
asvaldson chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
Hello. I'm not trying to bother you, I just wanted to find out how your writing is going :) I love your stories. They are a lot of fun to read. If you don't respond, I understand, just wanted to let you know how much your stories are enjoyed
BillBrink chapter 1 . 8/15/2017
Once again, a gem. Thanks for sharing it.
howmanyisthat chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
This story went in a hundred directions
ShadeslayerX chapter 1 . 7/16/2017
Dear god i haven't laughed this hard in months. Good work sir :3
librarywitch chapter 1 . 7/5/2017
Another delightful tale. I do love a good what if Harry Potter tale.
Avalanche-dragoon chapter 1 . 6/24/2017
Will you try writing an xcom crossover? No matter which version of xcom you will mix with harrys world
Books85 chapter 1 . 6/23/2017
Thank you! I really enjoyed this. The idea is both unique in execution and resolution, I agree that it is about bloody time that the sheeple in Magical Britain actually step up and defend themselves and their country from Voldemort.

Well done, indeed.
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 6/22/2017
Your typical originality and brilliance, and me left wondering WHY it is original and others missed details. Lots of time has been put into pointing out the flaws in the 'case' that got Sirius thrown into prison, but you are the first to point out the suspicious lack of investigation in 3rd Year

...threatening their wand probably WOULD be the best way to get a wizard to cave. They are nothing without it after all. Again, first time I have seen this

Very serious (and frankly your whole bit on the first years has more details usually overlooked), but still very amused by Sirius asking about the Forbidden Forest

Beautiful, powerful, and breath-takingingly original where Harry calls in those life-debts
potterfan666 chapter 1 . 6/4/2017
Great fiction hope for more soon.
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