Reviews for Honour Thy Blood
Cele13hrt chapter 20 . 10/9
Entertaining, and I can see where you've developed your style as a writer. Looking forward to reading the new stuff now!
Andy chapter 20 . 9/22
This was such a great book. I almost cried at the end, and I never cry. Appreciate you writing this book. Thank You.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/12
Ellia Ophelia? Poor kid is going to get picked on for having that name. And with Lily, Daphne, Astoria, and Ophelia all being flower names, you really dropped the ball with Ellia. How pathetic.
vincennesseargent88 chapter 4 . 8/27
Gotta day, this is very impressive work on top of a full time job with double the hours. Looking forward to the rest of it and thank you.
Thrivean chapter 20 . 8/22
I am not ashamed to admit that ending definitely made me cry. Amazing story, I’ll definitely have to check out your other work!
David Gordon chapter 13 . 8/11
why disaparating rather than just aparating ?
ericajoyce13 chapter 5 . 8/10
... that unexspectadely came out of nowhere... that hurt a little.
REDHAIREDGIRL chapter 9 . 8/5
I just wanted to share a hilarious image that came from my mind while reading this chapter. I just had the image of Harry pulling Pettigrew in rat form out of his pocket and and having his little paws leaving to Professor Dumbledore saying, "Bye-bye guys I'm off to prison!".
pix25 chapter 20 . 7/18
Brilliant story, loved it
Guest chapter 22 . 7/6
Awesome story thank you
Blackman1218 chapter 8 . 7/6
has harry been taught occlemency yet
Shilmizta chapter 20 . 6/26
Love the story, tears fell from my eyes whilst reading the last of it.
CrimsonKn1ght chapter 20 . 6/17
I'm not one to effusively voice my reactions, I feel that to quietly ponder over them is often better, and it doesn't feel as cheap and short-lived as my reaction would feel otherwise. However I feel like saying that i really enjoyed this story i just read, not for any cute romance, or exciting action, but how... well it ended. Seeing the lives of Harry's family and friends, their achievements felt rewarding, and despite the followed list of deaths of every loved one, it all came back full circle, to Harry being once more ready to die, cross the threshhold he could not pass before and join his family forevermore.

Infinite Kudos to you, dear author, and thank you.
Jibberflex chapter 9 . 6/13
So they catch Peter trying to sneak in Hogwarts and Harry doesn't bother to ask what the plan was and he just tortures him? I hope he's not that stupid.
Jibberflex chapter 3 . 6/12
They know the address of the Potter Manor from the memory, plothole.
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