Reviews for A New Life
FateBurn chapter 32 . 5/31/2023
Jebest4781 chapter 32 . 5/31/2023
Liked how this was done here. Keep up the good work.
manners chapter 32 . 5/31/2023
friend this is after the 4 shinobi war

friend naruto is a demigod since he is the reincarnation of ashura the youngest son of the sage of the 6 path

Naruto has his sage mode transformation of the 6 paths

Naruto has a rinnegan and sasuke's sharingan

dude make a naruto x yasaka love story fic

friend put yasaka as a couple of naruto

naruto x yasaka
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 32 . 5/31/2023
Sweet update and worth the waite
Guest chapter 2 . 5/16/2023
what's with this made up background events? Is there supposed to be a prequel? because right now it makes zero sense!
Guest chapter 31 . 5/14/2023
I blitzed through your story in a day and it is awesome! I had a bunch of things to do today but your story gripped me and did not let go. There were certain points that I skimmed mainly conversation where characters that were not explicitly a part of the story are mentioned for reference but that was because I'm not really that deep into DC lore so it went over my head. The main characters and the plot though- I ate it all up.
I really really hope you haven't given up on this story and that sometime in the future it is updated. Thanks for the read though!
Spedyalarm chapter 3 . 3/2/2023
*Sees the name Holly Short*
Points: "I understood that reference"

Artemis Fowl is epic.
Simmonschr chapter 31 . 2/6/2023
can't wait for the next chapter keep up the good work
Culaio chapter 2 . 2/5/2023
I really enjoyed seeing Kaguya past in your story, what lead to what happen to her, hope we will see more of that in the future : )

I also really enjoyed Naruto trying to help Kaguya to deal with her guilt, she definitly needs it.

Yet another thing I really enjoy is how you introduced different characters from the team : )

Keep up the great work : )/
Culaio chapter 1 . 2/5/2023
Its very interesting start of a story, I am very interested in where you will take it, at least for now I enjoy what I read : )

I am very interested in future interactions between character : ) .

The only small issue I have with the story is lack of english translation of techniques, I understand that Japanse names of techniques sound cooler but since it was a while since I last read and watched Naruto manga/anime I kinda forgot what those techniques mean, so it would be cool if in addition to Japanse names of techniques there was also english translation.

Keep up the great work : )
Looney fib chapter 31 . 12/31/2022
Man, I really enjoyed this story. Hope you can write more chapters.
arcangeluz019 chapter 31 . 10/20/2022
genial ver como mejora a cada paso que das es muy interesante ver como como avanza la historia y la verdad me dejas con mucha curiosidad por mas de tu obra antes que nada te agradezco por todo tu esfuerzo GRACIAS. espero con ansias mas de esta historia.
Guest chapter 5 . 9/1/2022
really? you think chojuro's level is something to be proud of? and suna's sealing experts? the same suna who can't even seal the weakest bijuu properly?
mina chapter 3 . 6/25/2022
These POV changes and line breaks are so confusing I don't even know which perspective I'm reading from. Dropping for the Naruto x Kaguya though, was an alright read while it lasted.
Phazer12 chapter 31 . 6/21/2022
This was a great fight and a more fantastic chapter. Naruto and Superman tag-teaming Doomsday arguably have the potential to be the strongest (just in strength). But this si great, in addition to the talk. Might have become perfect if Superman said some words too for Naruto but hey nothing is perfect the process has to be.
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