Reviews for A New Life
Phazer12 chapter 31 . 6/21/2022
This was a great fight and a more fantastic chapter. Naruto and Superman tag-teaming Doomsday arguably have the potential to be the strongest (just in strength). But this si great, in addition to the talk. Might have become perfect if Superman said some words too for Naruto but hey nothing is perfect the process has to be.
SPECIALGUY chapter 1 . 6/20/2022
Batman feels a bit off to me might be personal preference but the initial interaction just didn't feel Batman if you know what I mean. Then the whole kill spots just seemed a bit of an odd thing to say. They don't have context for the whole Zabuza commentary on fatal points. Like just say he went for lethal attacks. Also there aren't exactly a limited number of kill spots on a body and just saying that seems kind of dumb for them to say. Yes there are points on a body more lethal than others but puncture/cut anyone with a working circulatory system in a traumatic enough way and chances are they are going to bleed out. i.e. hack off an arm/leg or put a large enough hole in someone's gut. Point is in general people don't go around saying someone shot/stabbed/cut someone in a "kill spot".

Also commenting on the whole spelling of Darkseid. No one went to write it down. At that point it was a phonetic rendering that was in their head. The spelling was irrelevant to their internal dialogue and I doubt anyone was considering in the moment how to spell out the guys name. If it comes up in writing a report or something yeah it can be brought up. Otherwise just spell the name out if you know it. Yes its ultimately inconsequential and probably overpedantic on a readers part to complain about it. But its also overly thought out to consider deliberately misspelling something from a characters perspective who likely isn't even considering the issue at the moment. Pointing it out at the end that this is the thought process doesn't exactly help. I mean I'd consider it a bit odd if you went through your everyday life to consider spelling everything out in your head as you think about them. Most people don't exactly have thoughtbubbles where their thoughts are tangibly spelled out.
N chapter 6 . 5/25/2022
Not worth reading as this motherfucking author severely underistimate naruto, naruto lost to canary wow just fucking your naruto is even worse than the boruto series you severely under leveled Naruto with asura and indra's chakra and 90 percent of the ten tails chakra you realy are a fucking idiot don't read this if you want a weak fucking bitch of a oc naruto fuck you to his author
demigodninja21 chapter 19 . 5/23/2022
I'm kind of surprised you didn't have him kill Krane and Adam.
demigodninja21 chapter 10 . 5/22/2022
Nirvit, Nirvana. Are you really bringing that into this? If so then things will get pretty bad.
demigodninja21 chapter 4 . 5/21/2022
Actually he is faster than light. Remember the sage art light fang that Madara launched at him? It was confirmed to move at light speed and Naruto dodged it at point blank range with no warning.
demigodninja21 chapter 3 . 5/21/2022
Never mind about the jutsus you already did. I meant to put this earlier but forgot, Darkseid is not half the size of the Gedomazo at best he reaches its knees. You have to remember that even max size Akamachi who are so large they can accidently step on people and kill them were smaller than it.
demigodninja21 chapter 1 . 5/21/2022
Could you put in the translations for the jutsus?
PaladinRoggle chapter 5 . 5/12/2022
Man that interlude got me crying.
Bapu-chale-sasural chapter 1 . 5/10/2022
so an edgy fat american teen who doesn't know how the world works wrote this.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/6/2022
Kaguya is 1000 years was she not transfered over?
CrimsonMoon1511 chapter 31 . 5/5/2022
Phew, finally caught up and what Blockbuster of a catch up that was.
I think the last time I had time to really sit down for more then one chapter day amongst all the fanfics I read concurrently was early last year but damn am I grateful to get the time again.

I don't remember the exact chapter I last read till now, though I think it was between 18 and 21, and I just have to say that was bloody beautiful I lost count of the amount of times you had me on the edge of my seat. Really looking forward to the next chapter(s) to come.

Thank You for taking the time to right such a Masterpiece
Guest chapter 3 . 5/5/2022
So let me get this straight... you won't out bestgirl (starfire) in the story b3cause she's a titan but you put raven in the story?

That's kind of hypocritical dude.

Just be honest and say you prefer raven over her, also you've already out two out of canon characters in the story (Naruto and Kaguya) what's the harm of putting a D.C character in?
Pinumbit chapter 26 . 5/5/2022
I fully understand Kaguya here, shocked about IvyxHarley, but not homophobic. Heck, I'm a pastor's kid. As a Christian, homosexuality is not allowed. Period. But I have friends from school who are gay. I don't hate them, nor am I afraid or repulsed by them, but it's still a culture shock for me.
Stonepotrice chapter 31 . 5/3/2022
Sweet fight scene thanks for toughing it out and writing it in detail.
I enjoyed how Naruto has finally met someone(?) That can tank all his moves and piss him off .
The analogy of knight and caster was funny.
I wouldn't exactly say he was a caster when they switched roles I would say he was magical warrior?
Yay Naruto used talk no jutsu
Wonder how darkseid will react when he receives knowledge of a new player called Naruto he has to factor in.
Hope for more soon
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