Reviews for A New Life
Gilgamesh50 chapter 31 . 5/3/2022
If the clone is having fun does that mean naruto the original is also having fun?
SugamDewan chapter 31 . 5/3/2022
Good going
Pinumbit chapter 18 . 5/3/2022
Naruto x Kaguya is slow burn as heck, but I like it. As I always say, romantic feelings aren't realized just because someone is horny or the other is a flirt. Romance doesn't happen overnight, and actual development is HARD to write. I'm loving your writing style, and my only complaint is that I'm already more than halfway through a really good unfinished fic. Here's to wishing that writers' block won't come to you, and in its place will be inspiration. Godspeed!
awesomespirit01 chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
awesome fight. happy that this isn't abandoned can't wait for the next one
Lunardragon22 chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
Great Chapter! glad to see your still going with this story and i loved the teamwork between naruto and
supes. The combinations you were doing with the chakra natures especially the lightning attack at the end was ridiculous. Cant wait to see where this story will end up.
777torn777 chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
Sups may need to start lifting some weights
fresh prince1 chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
Nice chapter and fight
Rairi Valelira chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
Ok what are a bunch of white box text supposed to mean to me on mobile?
Shadow chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
Great chapter, loved it!
atengawchok chapter 31 . 5/2/2022
Naruto got to realize Doomsday was created so there could be more and the one was a test trial. Awesome chapter, love the analysis of the fight.
Boredoom chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
always the best thing of the day when you post another chapter
Jebest4781 chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
Enjoyed how this went here. Keep up the good work.
Rio Skyron chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
And once again I think of a fic and it updates. I must learn to use this power for good!

But in all seriousness love the chapter and enjoyed seeing doomsday. I feel your pain with fight scenes lol
RedDucky chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
I'm just so glad your fights don't bore the shit out of me. most fanfictions do and drives me nuts.
I. P. Frealy chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
nice chapter!
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