Reviews for A New Life
I. P. Frealy chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
nice chapter!
aGnamZer0 chapter 31 . 5/1/2022
Woah, that was one intense chapter!

You know, I've read a shit load of fanfics, and I don't think I'm wrong when I say you trump them all when it comes to the combat scenes. They're just so engrossing, thrilling and immersive; I've never seen something like that.

If I had just one thing to criticize, the one thing that frustrated me all along the chapter, it's that you don't translate the names of the technique. You can do it either in between brackets after the actual name of the technique or you can do it in footnotes, but please do so.

I've watched so many animes I have an instinctive grasp of the language. But that's just that, rough and unpolished. I can somehow get the general meaning of the words, but not any further.

For example:
Magen: Narakumi I'm pretty sure Magen is Demonic Illusion but I have no idea what Narakumi means.
Kūbaku-Shin Chikara I know Chikara means power, but that's about it.
Ranton: Arekuru Kari I know Ranton is Storm Releas and Kari is Hunt, but I have no idea what Arakeru means.
Yōton: Jinsoku Yōtama I know Yōton is Lava Relase and that's about it.

So yeah, sometimes – rarely – you do translate the names of the techniques somewhere along the line. For example, we learnt that Kūbaku-Shin Chikara means Air Strike: Divine Power of the Wind King, and it's also true that even if you don't translate the name, you do describe the effects of your techniques perfectly. I certainly can imagine them without any issue; all of them. Yet, the name of a technique is also a little like its soul and its essence. And I'd like to be able to know what the meaning of the technique as soon as I read its name.

So yeah, a translation behind the original name between brackets or in the authors notes at the end of the fic would be extremely appreciated.

But besides this little point, this chapter was splendid! The combat was titanic and I'm not gonna forget it any time soon. It's also great seeing so many different aspects of Naruto's abilities depending on his fights and enemies.

With Trigon he used his Bijū chakra. Against Lobo he used Senjutsu and here against Doomsday he focused on Elemental Manipulation. That's great and keep us on our toes.

And that's without even accounting the fact this Naruto is also adept at Genjutsu. I always loved it when Naruto used this ninja art in fics. It's certainly a very uncommon occurence.

I wonder how Cadmus and Darkseid will react to this battle between Naruto and Superman against Doomsday. This was so spectacular! If they ever understimated Naruto, that certainly will stop right this instant. Also, Granny Goodwill won't be very happy her furies fled the scene.

You said you hated writing fighting scenes, but you're really the best at it! And it was certainly worth the wait.

Oh, I love this story. Thank you!
InHumanMan chapter 1 . 5/1/2022
TheBlackHaze has a point. it dosent seem like their is any pony l point in naruto sticking around when all he's doing is giving teamwork exercise and half assing fights he could stomp in.
Gilgamesh50 chapter 26 . 3/27/2022
Man this novel is great
I am just binging this fic
Gilgamesh50 chapter 11 . 3/26/2022
Naruto x raven?
They fit
TheBlackhaze chapter 6 . 2/17/2022
I don't understand why Naruto isn't curb-stomping his way through the whole thing. I mean, does anybody see why he is nerfed in every fight so far such that he can only hold his own for a while, and then barely eke out a victory in the end.

Naruto, by himself, should be enough to make Connor, Kid Flash, and Donna redundant. What with his ability to spam shadow clones, and every one of his clones' baseline strength, speed, and skill being equal to Naruto's, he could do by himself, what would take the entirety of the team for Young Justice to accomplish. Why is he half-assing it?

So why is he sticking around? What is the point of this premise? The DC world setting is all well and good, but I don't understand his decision to just dick around(because that's exactly what he's doing by joining and then half-heartedly contributing to the team), instead of looking for a way back home.
aGnamZer0 chapter 30 . 1/28/2022
Oh, I hadn't realized it was Kaguya who saved him. I thought he had came out of it alone.

Anyway, the whole thing with the nature energy is splendid! I love how Naruto described the tug as childish (indeed, I doubt many access those part of nature). I'm really looking forward to Naruto exploring them more. Will there be more 'Councils of the [insert color]'? Will it be something completely different? I'm so excited!

Between the Joker, the rift with League and Naruto, the new Metahumans through Nirvit biotech, Conor and Clark, Paula's life decisions, Artemis and Cheshire investigating the man with weird eyes (Naruto, which risk of creating split between him and Artemis and possibly him and The Team or Artemis and The Team), Cadmus and The Light's projects at large, Darkseid, the different aspects of nature, and so many others threads, this fic is just wonderful!

Thank you for writing and freely sharing with us this story. I love it! I look forward to what new threat looms above the Earth (most likely by Darkseid).
aGnamZer0 chapter 29 . 1/28/2022
So, last chapter I was so taken and high by the fight that I forgot to ask the obivous question.

When did Naruto learn to channel Nature energy without while moving? Honestly, I thought he would have been able to do that from the beginning, and I was disappointed he couldn't, but he seemingly needed to use Shadow Clones to absorb and stock nature energy before using it himself. I hope it wasn't a one time thing but that from now on he'll be able to do that easily.

I tried to look for the different courts on DC and YJ Wiki but I dind't find anything. When did they appear? Is it on the anime? The comics? If so, which ones? Anyway, I love the idea of different courts for different aspects of nature.
aGnamZer0 chapter 28 . 1/28/2022
I only have one thing to say. It was one hell of a fight! In fact, I may have enjoyed it even more than when Naruto fought Trigon. Thanks for the chap!
aGnamZer0 chapter 27 . 1/28/2022
« [...] as a green skinned, four-armed girl appeared out of nowhere and grabbed onto Lobo's right arm, leaving him open to the nasty right hook the flying black haired girl aimed at his jaw. »

Is the girl Megan? I don't believe I've ever seen her take this kind of combat appearance.
aGnamZer0 chapter 26 . 1/28/2022
Batman needs to face the reality anyway. He's one of the heroes I dislike the most in DC, pretty much for the reasons Naruto listed. I do like him as the Justice League leader, but not in his role of Batman in Gotham.

Glad to see Naruto is finally starting to use to more Bloodline Limits to greater effects.

Now, we've still to see the first (or any for that matter) conversation between Naruto and Yggdrasil.
aGnamZer0 chapter 25 . 1/28/2022
So, there's this thing I want to ask for I don't remember how many chapters over but that I always forget to write when it's time to review.

How did Naruto heal Paula's legs? Did he use medical ninjutsu? Yang chakra? Something else entirely? And the other obvious question, why did he heal them in the first place? How come he's so invested in her?

I also have another question since pretty much the first chapter. Who's Huntress? In the first chapter, when you mentioned she was part of the War, I thought it was Artemis' mother (who somehow became a hero instead of a villain). I thought since the timeline was shambled, maybe she still had her legs. But now it's pretty obvious it isn't her. So who's the so-called Huntress of the League?
aGnamZer0 chapter 24 . 1/28/2022
Looks like Kennedy and Pamela might just become a thing.

I'm glad Naruto's first novel has so much success.

I wonder who would win in a battle between Dinah and Kori.
aGnamZer0 chapter 23 . 1/28/2022
The last scene between Connor and Kara was very moving. Honestly, I don't even remember anything else to comment, this scene simply stole the chapter for me. I'm so glad Connor found family in Kara and true recognition. Thank you!
aGnamZer0 chapter 22 . 1/28/2022
I don't like the idea of Naruto putting mental blocks on himself about the knowledge of his own abilities at all. Or rather, I don't like the way he goes about it.

The way he does it, his abilities will show themselves to him only when he needs them or the circumstances meet some criterion. But the fact is that if he had remembered his abilities, he may have found some out-of-the-box idea about how to use his ability. He won't be able to do this kind of thinking if he doesn't even remember them.

I understand his fear of turning into a monster who could doom the world. But his mental defenses are strong. If a millenia old curse casted by Lord of Chaos themselves couldn't turn him, I don't see what could. And even if it somehow happened, I believe he would have at least a few seconds or minutes to realize what is happening.

No, in my opinion what he should do is create a lock on his mind blocking ALL his abilities, or at least those he deems to dangerous, but have this lock opened. However, if he ever finds himself in a situation where he realizes he may become compromised (because I refuse to believe he could be turn so instantly that he wouldn't even have the time to realize) then he would be able to lock the blocks he had previously created.

Because really, I don't like at all the idea of him doing what amounts to lying to himself (even if only by omission).

I also don't like at all of there being a folder with all his abilities because an enemy could find it. Nope, I'm certainly against it.

On another note, I was wrong last time, I believe Garfield was born this chapter. I hope we'll get to see more of him. And welcolme to our world Koriand'r, Princess of Tamaran. Concerning Hawkgirl though, I don't like her (and neither do I like Hawkman for that matter), so I hope she won't become close to Naruto.
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