Reviews for Queen of Conquerors
Guest chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
It's a rare occurence for the Old Wether to get a clue, like he did here.

Alas, it's a wasted moment due to he-who-is-as-thick-as-his-name the Fudge-meister.

So if Alexa ends up joining the 4th War, will she end up replacing Ryunosuke as the Master of Caster? Iirc, that class was the last summoned, and she's definitely more worthy than that nutcase.

Course that leaves open the identity of the new caster.

Options could include Circe, a MoD Harry, the other Twp Gorgon Sisters, Medea of Colchis (the princess version rather than Witch of Betrayal). Can't think of any others to whom she might have an Affinity.

Not unless a Nonoha ended up in the Throne of Heroes.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/7/2016
Reviews: 420

Smoke weed everyday! Well, if I had the access and money which I sadly don't. Good story, and hope you complete it. Keep up the good work will you? And thanks for the work.
fellow chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
I love that this is continuing - also, I really like the bit with the precursor to raging heart. :)
deathgeonous chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
Ohh, have I been missing this. I likey like like. Well, thanks for writing this, and bye for now.
Alex2909 chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
glad alexandria has taken her rightful place as iskanders daughter. wonder what idiocy fudge will do to cause her to retaliate
raynisia chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
Friendship beams of do...i mean love! Friendship beams of love! That is going to make the grail war interesting. Is she going to visit the 4th war or is this stories time line past the 4th grail war and moving towards the 5th? Glad Alexandria is not playing around with second chances. I do wonder how long it would take her to conquer magical England? Nice chapter!
Iskander Mandoraekon chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
Hahahahahahaha. Oh poor idiotic Dumbledore, she would have conquered England someday anyways in order to continue her father's dream.
Mernom chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
Did you just... No, I don't want to know. I value my sanity too much to doubt Zelrech. I belive saying 'a wizard did it' is very approriate here.
Wishfull-star chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
that was awesome I loved the chapter and I can't wait to see what Fudge does to start a war with Alexandria:)
ultima-owner chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
she'll be blasting the enemy with glee
Lady Kaiki chapter 7 . 12/8/2016
Awesome chapter ! Plz, update soon !
Panacottan chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
this story is just so good, please for the love of god dont stop writing. you are just way to good at it to stop.
Nihatclodra chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
woot! it updated!
Reishin Amara chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
Ha,Finally a new chapter,and im jumping for joy! Please tell me she will eventually fight Nanoha and Fate so she can walk in and beat the heads of the TSAB in...(Lets face it,the TSAB is corrupt at the higher levels,and Nanoha is clueless to it,while Fate HAS to work for them on hiked up charges.(Yes,she should be charged,but only as an accesory...and thats even debatable since she was never a TSAB citizen to begin with,being a clone made by a only connections to the TSAB is the fact her mother and the girl she was cloned from were citizens,and that she attacked the loosely connected Scyra clans transport,attacking Mr "Im so serious" could barely count since shes not upheld to their getting carried away on nanoha stuff...seriously,if u get a chance,re-explore nanoha politics sometime,im surprised u never did a fic where Nanoha decided to promote EARTH rather than Mid Childa...)
duskrider chapter 7 . 12/7/2016
I rather like Conqueror's Heart.
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