Reviews for Synthetic Emotions |
Guest chapter 35 . 10/10/2023 “made to look like a little girl of perhaps seven or so… she would still fool the eye at a glance if it weren't for her pale, violet tinted hair and huge lavender eyes.” The description reminds me of Shiori… |
Guest chapter 25 . 10/10/2023 Kagome: “I wish I knew what went on in his [Inuyasha’s] head.” Shippo: "Why would you want to understand that? I doubt there's too much up there." Very Shippo-like to blurt out how stupid he thinks Inu is. |
Guest chapter 21 . 10/9/2023 “She [Kagome] wondered vaguely if Inuyasha really wanted to save Miroku, or if he just didn't want Sango to kill him without getting a front row seat.” HAHAHAHA! CLASSIC! |
Guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2023 The ‘backdrop’ of this sci-fi is different from any that I’ve read. Usually, Inu is a genetic experiment born in a lab, a real hanyou being experimented on, or the result of an experiment on a human. This story defies all of those, but it starts as any good one does: breaking the fifty-year-old seal… |
ushmie chapter 1 . 7/28/2019 This remains one of my favourite stories, even if it is unfinished. The characterization, the pacing, the writing in general... absolutely enthralling! You’re a phenomenal writer and I’m so glad this story exists! |
Tonegawa Rie chapter 1 . 1/15/2019 うそ。なんで? |
PureKagome chapter 36 . 4/9/2016 Oh god. OK so I just realized this hasn't been updated since 2003 so there's like 0 chance you're ever going to read this but I'll say it anyway. This fanfiction is wonderful and I love the concept. I hope at some point you'll update! |
riceflower3 chapter 37 . 5/18/2015 DAMMIT NOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYY! D,: WAT THE F****** HAPPENS NEXT TELL ME PLZ! *falls down crying * why u do this to me ;-; Well, u hope you'll update someday. Soon enough ;; |
riceflower3 chapter 33 . 5/15/2015 *throws hands in air* i knew it, i knew it! Ever since Sesshomaru sort of mentioned it, i knew it. *-* Dang though. Damn. OmO |
riceflower3 chapter 29 . 5/14/2015 Oh no. This feels like as if he's this close ** ** to turning demon. Oh no *clicks to read more* OmO |
riceflower3 chapter 20 . 5/13/2015 Awww :3 so kawaii. Sooner or later though, that conversation was bound to happen. XD |
jen chapter 37 . 4/29/2015 that was reaaallyy good ... its too bad its not finished |
riceflower3 chapter 9 . 3/21/2015 Nuuuu! *immediately clicks next page* :) |
Los Grotos chapter 1 . 2/17/2015 I am so intrigued that I'm not quite sure what to Make of it. Wow. |
riceflower3 chapter 4 . 1/27/2015 Aww, invisible inukag fluff! XD I like the way you portrayed Sessho-chan, though. It was really good. :3 |