Reviews for Synthetic Emotions
venuslegacy9 chapter 24 . 7/25/2012
Awww this time Kagome gets to save Inuyasha. He is not gonna like that.
venuslegacy9 chapter 22 . 7/25/2012
I never stop being amazed at the brilliance of this story and how you weave the characters lives together and the direction you have taken them in.
venuslegacy9 chapter 20 . 7/25/2012
oh my gosh! yes, yes, yes, they kissed! and wow that was unexpected, but so fitting, he's just, oh man i'm melting right now.
venuslegacy9 chapter 14 . 7/25/2012
wow that was intense, and so sad for Rin, but i felt you did the scene justice and it was handled well. I was moved by how you wrote the scene and the way you showed Sesshomaru's response, I could feel what he was feeling, even though it was circuitries and machinery you made it feel real, flesh and blood emotions he was going through and the conflict and struggle within him to do the right thing. You are a very talented writer, and I wonder how he will handle the situation next time, what side will come out stronger in his conflict between synthetic duty and human emotion?
venuslegacy9 chapter 12 . 7/25/2012
i really like the detail and thought you have put into the characters and how you show their growth when they are challenged ad opinions start to shift, its very insightful and keeps me hooked on the lives of the characters.
venuslegacy9 chapter 4 . 7/24/2012
the depth to this story is amazing, the way you depict the emotions in the seemingly emotionless, that scene with Sesshomaru was mind blowing, the constant reiteration of not having any emotions of being cold, and then wham, that act of vengeance to prove otherwise. Brilliant!
venuslegacy9 chapter 2 . 7/24/2012
I love this story!
TheReviewer101 chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
I remember reading this a couple of years ago. I loved it and waited for months for you to continue but you never did. I'm still waiting...
Loafy chapter 1 . 3/14/2012
Interesting concept. I'll admit the last line had me chucking over the irony, and then I read the author's comment at the bottom! Full snortgiggle on that, props to you.
Crown of Stars chapter 37 . 3/4/2012
Where do I begin? I discovered Synthetic Emotions this morning and just now finished the last published chapter. I have to commend you for managing to mix the story of Inuyasha with cyberpunk, one of my favorite genres. More than that, I have to commend you again for blending them so well. On top of that, you've kept everybody entirely in-character the entire time.

I really, really wish that this story was still in-progress, because I would love to see how everything plays out! Even so, I've added it to my favorite stories because I know I'll want to read it again. I hope that in the future, you'll be able to continue with it even after all this time. Thank you for a great read!
anna chapter 37 . 2/20/2012
Awe. Sadness. I would have loved to see the end of this. It's absolutely wonderful. But, I guess its not to be...
PleaseFinish chapter 37 . 10/25/2011
When you said you make no promises, you certainly were serious. I know it's a shot in the dark with this story being, oh, eight years old, but is there any chance you are alive and well, still read these reviews, and perhaps want to at least post a summary of the rest of the story. It's a crying shame you left it on such a cliffhanger. Read this whole thing in about two days. Please, PLEASE, finish this masterpiece.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
Oh Kagome, I'll TELL you how to turn a Hanyou on...

You follow Shippou's instructions! ;D
Rianna-Saraephina chapter 37 . 8/16/2011
I love this! From the time I found it a couple of days ago til now I've read nonstop. I love this story's idea, especially with the InuGang, lol

Though I'm quite sad that you've stopped writing, and I gotta ask: will you possibly continue writing on it again? I'm sure the 1k reviewers and/or readers (myself very much included) would greatly appreciate that!

Anyways, I'm off to read your other stories now!

Hopefully waiting for more :)
GwendolynRaine chapter 37 . 3/16/2011
This is an absolutely amazing story and I kind of despise you for not finishing it. But I suppose that's the risk you take when you don't pay a writer for their work :(
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