Reviews for Embark
LordAnimeMangaGame chapter 1 . 4/29/2023
Boooooooo you suck
Rizki Azka Sumekar chapter 7 . 6/23/2020
Its great
Uday Sra chapter 7 . 5/2/2020
Face Yourself chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
Shame that Minato got such a lame semblance *and* lost all but his most boring persona, but I like the idea otherwise!
Jose19 chapter 2 . 7/25/2019
I am surprised a great deal because Cinder is a villain in all ways possible, and no way to redeem her.
PasiveNox chapter 7 . 1/13/2019
wonderful weiss is yeah great
PasiveNox chapter 6 . 1/13/2019
PasiveNox chapter 5 . 1/13/2019
nice job
PasiveNox chapter 4 . 1/13/2019
hooooo nice
PasiveNox chapter 3 . 1/13/2019
ehhh great nice though did he forgot his friends it seems like it
PasiveNox chapter 2 . 1/13/2019
haaaa well great great
PasiveNox chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
Maelaeran chapter 2 . 1/11/2019
Building up that harem early, I see. Ganbare, Minato-kun~

Also, while I can kind of see why Minato might be allowed to go traipsing through the forest alone, why are Cinder and Kira's parents so blase about that?
Suzululu4moe chapter 3 . 1/10/2019
If this was Boku no Hero academia then I wouldn’t be suprised if he was the son of Shikamaru Nara from Naruto and Misaka Mikoto Railgun from index n Railgun.
Suzululu4moe chapter 2 . 1/10/2019
Oh minato poor kid. Though I guess with witnessing things nyx and Thanatos something common like stranger danger doesn’t apply to him
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