Reviews for Stargaryan Ring
Fredward1 chapter 10 . 10/17/2024
10 chapters deep and only 5ish days have passed. This is the problem with most authors writing gamer fics. The pacing is atrocious. You want to show everything but you do it one day at a time. Do it all in one day and stop making it 1 chapter1 day. Youll never finish
Sahamosveb chapter 2 . 10/17/2024
Jaime Lannister's relative ... a Stark recruit? Are you serious?
Fredward1 chapter 8 . 10/17/2024
He should be immune to the heat
Please read me chapter 1 . 8/22/2024
Combine this with a self insert that acts like an A.I. for the ring. That would probably allow you to Pad out the story a little bit With comedy Sections between the Wielder and self insert Maybe,
The self interpret could explain the out the things, an act like a second pair of eye's, give advice.
GioGIo.png chapter 3 . 8/11/2024
she said the thing!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/29/2024
Wrong Assumption Targaryens has the fire affinity
Dorne particularly the Martells have water affinity as descendants of Princess Nymeria of Rhoynar.
slademartin123 chapter 3 . 4/19/2024
i have to say, I dont mind her, i really dont. i think she builds alot of Jon (OC) and the the original up into a more tolerable and observant man. its just that from a political standpoint, thats idiotic.i know, hes young, dumb and still learning the world but itll shape him and possibly keep him trapped around her finger for a long while. in my opinion the best political marriage to make in game of thrones for someone his age would no doubt be Margery or daenerys as a strong second. i say margery mainly for the facts of food, soldiers, gold, and the place being one of the most southern lands not contaminated by the winter winds for a long while. Daenerys for a only two facts, dragons and her bloodline.
1210justinp chapter 10 . 3/22/2024
so far everything feels like a game tutorial. I really want to like this, but this doesn't feel like GOT, it's too vanilla.
Antianti12 chapter 1 . 3/11/2024
I remember reading this along time ago don't remember if i liked it or not so far it seems good so I'll continue.
Bigreddog68 chapter 28 . 2/1/2024
Excited for future chapters!
FlawedBauthor chapter 28 . 1/12/2024
Well, no real wonder why you abandoned this trash heap. What a brain dead story.
FlawedBauthor chapter 13 . 1/12/2024
Way to ruin this whole story. Are you serious? Jon just gives magic to everyone just because? Christ, what a way to just totally destroy the whole premise.
MattBlack chapter 26 . 11/13/2023
Burn Catelyn at the stake... Comparing Theon's word to the word of Lewyn, Rodrik etc. is beyond stupid ignorance, it's basically malicious vitriol.

The bitch's mind is warped beyond repair when she can't even see she breaks the first two tenets of her family's words... Family, Duty, Honor my ass, it's ONLY Honor she tries to follow, though how a grown woman can possibly find honor in harrassing a boy is beyond me...

I've always hated Cat's character for exactly that, her character...
MattBlack chapter 23 . 11/12/2023
If Cat doesn't like bastards, she shouldn't have a man be forced to marry her in place of his brother...

As far as I know from when I read the books, Jon is actually older than Robb, which means he was conceived before she had gotten her claws in Ned... Hence why she see him as a threat to Robb, what with Jon being older.
MattBlack chapter 16 . 11/11/2023
Cat is an utter cunt and I wish someone told her so.

What disturbed me with the tv Series was that, in the books she was described as really beautiful, but in the show not so much, more looking like she's aged prematurely... The actress is good at portraying the shrew though, I'll give her that.
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