Reviews for The Sidekick
Winter kiss chapter 9 . 6/26/2020
Maybe cesspool and her go-to the central park zoo and something else. Or it look like he kidnapped her and they just hang out. It would be funny to see the avengers panic over mia.
Winter kiss chapter 9 . 6/20/2020
Love this story!Hope you update again soon!
JustAnotherStarkFan chapter 9 . 3/13/2020
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I luv this. sooooo cute
pls update!
kelsey-kianna chapter 9 . 7/25/2019
There so cuteeeee! Cant wait for the next update author!
Guest chapter 9 . 12/2/2018
Please update!
Dezzi95 chapter 2 . 10/19/2018
Oh my goodness there's 2 of them!
mrs Tall Blonde and Dead chapter 9 . 7/2/2018
Omg I just love Mia she’s hilarious and so quirky
Can’t wait until she finds out tony is her actual dad
Sarahburch chapter 9 . 5/23/2018
plz update i love it
Cassie-011 chapter 9 . 5/3/2018
Omg! That ending with her saying night night daddy just made my heart stop as well! Cant wait for more!
katlolhogg chapter 9 . 4/5/2018
I can't wait to read the next chapter
HeavenlyEternal chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
Espero ansiosa el cap 10! Me encanta esta historia Hasta el momento y que sea amiga de Wade jaja besos!
Guest chapter 9 . 11/16/2017
She is so cute! Deadpool and her should definitely rob a bank...or not. Idk but what I do know is that I can't wait to see Deadpool and her have some beautifuly witty banter!
Snowball A.K.A. WinterWolf chapter 9 . 9/6/2017
can't wait for more!
Griezz chapter 9 . 8/9/2017
Interesting story with a little hellion of an OC. I swear that her getting Cap to read to her a few paragraphs of "The Communist Manifesto" has to be one of the funniest things that I've read in a long time! As for DP, I'm more wondering about how she can spend time with him, rather than how he's going to act. He wouldn't be able to just show up at Avengers Tower; on the other hand, if she takes off with him, the Avengers are certain to see it as a kidnapping, and completely lose their minds. As in "Hulk smash red man! Hulk stomp red man into ground!;
DarkAngelEmz chapter 9 . 5/16/2017
Fun story. Hope you come back to it.
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