Reviews for Monster
Drakenf chapter 7 . 9/24/2023
Go fuck yourself asshole
Terracotta Tortilla chapter 2 . 9/8/2023
Gabe2000 chapter 7 . 8/22/2023
Binge read this and I loved it. Though any plans to eventually do part 2 or is that dead?
Lawrence Limequat chapter 7 . 6/18/2022
This was real good, fam. Is Wild Hunt coming still?
ArachnidHiveMind chapter 1 . 6/9/2022
Nights power? Cool
Draco0905 chapter 7 . 1/28/2022
Found this recently and got to the end. can't find book 2: The Wild Hunt.
Am I not looking hard enough? Is it missing or just not yet published?
While i have read most of the Worm fanfics here, i don't recall any quite like this. A few that have this element or that. Nothing even close to what you have here though.
There are some things that I know were changed besides Taylor that I'm not sure of the reason. I'm hoping this is going to be covered in book 2.
Outside of the mild grammatical error, I can't even say your story has any real issues. A bit long winded here and there and a bit lacking in certain details in others. Yes, I'm aware of how hard it is to keep the balance so I'm not complaining. Just pointing out my personal opinion.
Graypdrink chapter 6 . 1/24/2022
Damn no idea how u don't have more reviews so good
Graypdrink chapter 7 . 1/24/2022
What a great story!
WildFreedom chapter 1 . 1/17/2022
Does she have Nights power?
Volusa chapter 7 . 10/7/2021
Poetic justice, Emma and Sophia turning into literal monsters...
hackslashbash chapter 7 . 9/30/2021
One of my favorite Worm fics, hands down.
Ryo Oh Ki7 chapter 7 . 9/26/2021
Love love love
Zsombi chapter 2 . 5/28/2021
I believe you messed up 2.y by making the troopers not perform logically given their readiness and experience on the street.

Just the top off my head I can think of 3 tactica they Would have utilized had you not botched it by giving them the idiot ball just so ypur newest plot-driver character can get away.

1. Foam the windows, throw in some flashbangs or fo grenades then storm in and atart foaming the floor, the chairs, the couch.. everywhere. There's no way their camera helmets wouldn't have caught sight of a person shaped hole forming to focus on.

2. Just foam the entire apartment, then use fome sensors or sonar or something to find their people and again with the right tool they would have seen the seemingly empty person shaped bubble.

3. Do what you made them do, But! keep enough troopers at all entrances (eg. door, again foam the windows) so nothing can get out without bumping into someone who can attampt (and likely succeed in this case) to grab the invisible entity and another to knock or choke it out or even easier.. just foam the troopers and their invisible captive.

She should have NOT been able to escape the apartment, she should have been captured, and with a full body coverage suit her power would have meant jack. Bam! no escape.

But nooo, you just had to muck up and hax your character out of a situation she should have had zero chance of getting out.

It is completely unrealistic and immersion breaking.
Haden Breslin chapter 1 . 11/26/2020
Ughhhhhhh! I need an update.
Dinodogst chapter 7 . 11/13/2020
Your really good art making me feel bad for people. Not Sophia and emma, duck em. But i feel super bad for uber and quite bad for Danny too. I'm more attached to your side characters that got part of one chapter than most main characters.
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