Reviews for Naruto: Infinity Divide
Mariegrey90 chapter 105 . 2/13
Hi there! Your story completely captivated me, and I couldn’t help but think about how amazing it would look in comic form.

I’m a digital artist available for commissions, and I specialize in collaborating with authors to adapt their stories into stunning comics. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’d be happy to discuss the details and bring your story to life!

You can contact me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( Mariegrey90) to chat further. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 105 . 2/12
- Guest
The warp speeds were recalculated between TOS/TMP and TNG. (2313, I think I saw that mentioned during my digging.)

So Warp 14 TOS is somewhere between 9.6 and 9.9 TNG. Highest TOS speed conversion I've found is Warp 15, which is between 9.9 and 9.99 TNG. And that latter gap is substantial. (More than double. 3,053 Vs 7,912)

So no the TNG Warp 10 barrier won't be an issue for a while
biob1 chapter 105 . 2/12
Keep up the good work
adamfranklin.uu chapter 1 . 2/12
Your story was a joy to read! The characters felt real, and the emotions kept me engaged throughout. I think it would look fantastic in a comic style and I'm excited to bring it to life.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece. I look forward to more of your stories!

Warm regards,
Guest chapter 105 . 2/11
The fact that the Warp 10 barrier has been exceeded has me very confused on how fast these ships are compared to canon! Something tells me that Starfleet is gonna have to make a VERY good argument to sell the GALAXY Class to Naruto, since it also allows for children to live on the ship!
I love the fact that Cloaking devices will soon be mostly standard for Starfleet Ships (not only Voyager, but the Enterprise D as well)! Since Naruto secured peace with the Romulans, will the events that bring Worf into Starfleet never happen now?
We already had Deep Space 9 replaced by that Alien City Ship/Station (hopefully Quarks will still be able to set up shop there)!
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 103 . 2/11
- Policy
Well, that might cause some butterflies.
No Ambassador or Galaxy class vessels?
Or a Galaxy a la that one TNG episode that was a pure warship? Think that was roughly the inspiration for the Galaxy X subclass, which is actually tougher than a Sovereign class. (There's a bunch of vids on YouTube utilizing Star Trek Bridge Commander that tests out various battle scenarios.)

Maybe also skipping the Nova class?
(As I always considered that a boondoggle, the Rhode Island was so much better than it's not even funny.)

- Pay day
Well, if all the lights were to get replaced, that would mean no more income from the Miranda's, but that would be replaced with the Mercury's.

So either way more money in the bank.
Guest chapter 105 . 2/10
I just realized, when Voyager gets marooned in the Delta Quadrant in this universe, it will likely have a CLOAKING DEVICE as well! THAT will make A HUGE DIFFERENCE in the journey home!
finkarhu chapter 105 . 2/11
Thanks for the chapter
Nai Darkor chapter 105 . 2/11
Is it logical to complain over and over again about the illogicality of others?
SSSra chapter 105 . 2/11
great chapter
dlowe2651 chapter 105 . 2/10
fucking awesome update again soon
Adventreader221 chapter 102 . 2/10
live long, and prosper
kossboss chapter 105 . 2/10
Great Chapter, honestly still loving this story years later. It really great how there is so much Star Trek for you to still cover in this story to keep it fresh and interesting. I am excited to see the impact of the change Naruto is making going into the future.
Samuel Santillan chapter 105 . 2/10
It was a very good chapter especially because we saw Naruto and the girls dealing with the school visits.
Despite having been getting along with humans for a while, their habits will always surprise Naruto and now his children.
Crimson Hawk Wolf chapter 102 . 2/10
Not bad for how things went in the chapter here and i like how things went with the parent teachers meeting as well. I do feel sorry for Niwara though since that was on the rather creepy side even if it wasn’t meant to be. It does make me wonder what all of the young ones will do at some point when they are older though.

I wonder when the kids will end up learning sage mode like Naruto has and if Siegfried has learned it yet himself given the age he is at. I also wonder if he has come up with any new ideas as well or if his younger siblings will later on.

Naruto’s Mercury ship did make me think of Voyager when i read it and i was surprised i was right when i read the authors note at the end. I was also shocked that the cloaking device was also added to it but i guess i should have expected that from Naruto of all people. I can’t wait to read how that ship turns out and what name it will be given when done and how it goes about being used.

I do wonder if Naruto will come up with an explorer ship design idea at all or not. Dam thats gotta be a hard thing to do to top the Enterprise D of all things. I will laugh if he ends up having a hand in that ship coming around though.

With how things have changed for the Bajoran’s like it has i still wonder if the Deep Space Nine station will get built and if Odo will still be around as well as the other casts at some point. I know its still a long way off but it still makes me wonder about tham a great deal in the story.

I am looking forward to reading what you end up coming up with next for this story. I wonder how its going to go for those involved and if the Wolverine or its sister ships gets involved with the Cardassians at all since if i remember right that was originally the reason they all came back like they did.
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