Reviews for Awkward Energy - MinaDeku
nahmannahmannahman chapter 1 . 10/25/2016
Nice work! Really like the fine touches you made with things like the effect of Recovery Girl's quirk on Izuku. Can't wait to see the next chapter! Thanks a lot for the shoutout as well!
Karlos1234ify chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
Monday October 24, 2016.

This is very interesting and a unique pairing.
Nucleophile chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
Solid summary and fun concept. Mina pickings are slim indeed, so it's always nice when another work hits the pile. The Alien Quuen's lexicon is well-captured, and probably the story's strongest point. Technical style and pacing is OK as well. Author notes are redundant but hey, we all get excited when we push out good ol' chapter 1. All in all, a promising fic.

A few things to watch moving forward:
-review comma usage rules. Many sentences- especially your descriptions- could benefit from the improved grammar.
-you've got some pretty cool phrases scattered about (the one about rendering the night sky a dimmer switch in a disco club was my favorite), but don't be afraid to hold back on adjectives sometimes and let the story flow. Adding dialogue-heavy exchanges could also bolster the immersive experience.

Hope this helps and thanks for the fun. Good luck!
Scandinavian Sensation chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
I really like this! The dialogue between Mina and Izuku seems pretty spot-on, and I could really see it playing out just like that. There really isn't a lot of Mina and Izuku romance out there, although, I really don't see much romance that isn't Bakugou and Izuku in all honesty, so I really liked this! Good work.
Emperor of Performances chapter 1 . 10/24/2016
Best thing I have read in awhile. I love crack ships and you, oh great writer, have given me the courage to start writing my own crack ship of Izuku with another girl. So I thank you.

Seriously through, great story. A little rough around the edges fine tweaking on the writing here and there could work. Like add a metaphor or a simile here and there, but overall it's good.

Can't wait for more!
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