Reviews for Hallelujah In Blue
Grasshopper chapter 2 . 10/4/2004
Poor, angsty Gren... *shakes head* Nothing ever seems to go quite right for the guy.

"I thought that death brought all the answers." He muttered. "How very ironic."

I love that line, it's so very suiting.
Grasshopper chapter 1 . 10/4/2004
It's Vicious/Gren-ness, wai~! *is ecstatic*

Gren can't die, he's Grassy's favorite CB character. He even outranks Vicious, which was something I didn't think possible until -seeing- the JJ eps. *sniffles*

Rock on, my friend!
AkiraNyaag chapter 16 . 8/4/2004
I loved this entire story and how well you handled the emotions of everyone. You also did a great job with fitting everything into the timeline. Please finish the final chapter, hopefully soon. I can't wait to see how splke and vicious' final encounter ends!
Chrissy Sky chapter 16 . 7/27/2004
Yo. I was talking to DT earlier about this BAD Vicious/Gren I'd read, and she introduced me to yours, which is anything but. I was impressed, and thank you for banishing the thoughts of that ill-written one out of my head. *mwah!*
Syn chapter 16 . 6/1/2004
I saw your art on Elfwood and clicked the link. I've actually been looking for a fic with Gren in it. Especially a slash/yaoi type fic. I really like the way things are turning out. You have an excellent way with words. I've bookmarked this and will check it regularly for updates. Thanks!
Ryu-Kat chapter 16 . 2/24/2004
This is my 3rd time reading this, and I'm definetly still enjoying it. (I read it every time Real Folk Blues 1 and 2 come on CN, and occasionally after Jupiter Jazz.) You did a really nice job portraying everyone, to the point where I could listen to it play out in my mind- in their voices. That is mastery. Heh. But anyway, I saw this question asked in the reviews; is "Falling" the last chapter of it all? I can understand if it was, but it would be nice if there was a solid tying-off to the end. However, I can't think of anything that sounds good to come after that. Can't expect you to do anything, either. So, yeah, good job, and I hope you do some more Bebop fanfics. (And sorry I took so long to review! _
Kioki 7-13 chapter 1 . 12/25/2003
What's up! I just saw Jupiter Jazz last night( well actually, this morning at 4, but anywho...) I agree with you wholeheartedly! Gren CAN'T die! However I like the idea of him getting with Vicious is cool too. I love it already. Keep up the good work. I'm reading... and waiting.
Kioki 7-13
HellBunny chapter 16 . 11/7/2003
brilliant...amazing...loving it! I've just read it all from the start & it's great! So sad, so sweet... You're talented. Write more.
Green Bird chapter 16 . 9/30/2003
Oh, I love you. Absolutely. Your writing is beautiful, and when the subjects are my favorites... I find it unbelievibly alluring. Thank you for writing this, but naturally you must continue; it's unforgivable not to.

I am wonderfully thrilled on how you portray Julia. I was struggling on how to do that myself and I think you've defined your own role for her perfectly.

Not to mention Gren! Gah! So wonderful to find a good V/G story... I look forward to reading any and all of your Bebop fics.

~Green Bird
ClosetFreak chapter 16 . 9/27/2003
this was a very good fic, quite original. VEry emotinal. Keep it up.
artemisathene chapter 16 . 9/3/2003
Yay! I've always thought that Gren's "death" was a little too open-ended. This is a very well written story. I like the way you got into Vicious' mind, his bitterness, the ice over his heart... very well described. Just one thing, though... is "Falling" the end of the epilogue thing? Hope it's not...
amanda chapter 16 . 6/23/2003
when will you write more? *sniffs* i need a happy ending vicious/gren story right now.
Crystal chapter 16 . 6/8/2003
I enjoyed reading this piece, although I did not understand parts of it because I don't watch much of Cowboy Bebop. I write books, too, but am not very good, which pretty much has to do with being a 'goody-two-shoes' and having people watching me every step of the way. Great story, though. My favorite character has to be Gren.
Cheloya chapter 16 . 6/8/2003
Read this on impulse after a five minute bout of hysterical laughter at the thought of this pairing. I wanted to see how you'd do it. Now I see you've done a fantastic job. So... yeah. Go you. Loved the whole thing; you do the characters well. :)
SaZ-2 chapter 16 . 5/22/2003
Ah, beautiful as always. Continue please.

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