Reviews for Hallelujah In Blue
SaZ-2 chapter 12 . 2/17/2003
Lovely, lovely, lovely. Just like always. Please continue.

amanda chapter 12 . 2/17/2003
so vicious isnt going to die, right? i mean, he'll be okay, yeah? 'cause if he dies then gren would be sad and those two need a happy ending! oh, and spike should live too. this story keeps getting better and better, i cant wait for the next chapters! update soon!
DT Maxwell chapter 12 . 2/17/2003
*Tackles her nee-chan* ME WANTS NEXT CHAPTER! This is so totally AWESOME so far! If only CB had ended in a way like this, life would be perfect.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 10 . 2/15/2003
*howls* No, you can't end it there!

Oh, this is so sad. And yet so good. *cries*
Lady Razorsharp chapter 8 . 2/15/2003
The image of what Vicious imagines doing to Spike were...startling. And I like your take on how Vicious joined the Syndicate...

Lovely stuff.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 7 . 2/15/2003
I love the way you write Spike. It's all just so good.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 6 . 2/15/2003
Woop! Woop! Angst alert! But oh, what angst! Good stuff.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 5 . 2/15/2003
OH, man! This was just too awesome. Gren's just so cool. I love the way you describe everything (OMG, his hair!). Very nice!
Lady Razorsharp chapter 2 . 2/15/2003
"...but you don't know what vicious is!"

Ooh, this gave me chills.

This is so well done.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 1 . 2/15/2003
OH yeah, baby. I like this one...Hey, Vicious, guess what, you really DO have a heart!

Good stuff!
amanda chapter 9 . 2/12/2003
yay, new chapters!*does the happy dance* new chapters! new chapters! new chapters keep amanda happy! yay. so gren is gonna look for vicious? thats soooo cool. wonder what will happen? cant wait for more chapters! damn i love this story.
Zithromax chapter 9 . 2/12/2003's me again! Remember how I said I don't like yaoi or slash or whatever? I think now I shall change that to 'I only like really well written yaoi,' like this one for example.

Do I really need to tell you it's that good? Because you should already know that it is! Here's me looking forward to the next chapter!
SaZ-2 chapter 9 . 2/12/2003
Oooooh. Nicely done like always. Please continue.

Ms.C chapter 9 . 2/12/2003
I'd almost given up looking for Cowboy Bebop slash, let alone quality Bebop Slash. Really enjoyed the history set up here for Vicious and Gren. That, and the mood of the fic fit in with the TV series. And I adore Gren and am quite happy to read about him angsting away as long as he didn't die at the end of 'Jupiter jaz'.
teethlikedog chapter 8 . 2/11/2003
Aaah! I love this fic! Such a great portrayal of Vicious' character - much more sympathetic than he's usually portrayed. I like the way you showed the same scene from the last chapter in a different view point...and I can't wait to read more! And now I've run out of ways to compliment this fic!
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