Reviews for Hallelujah In Blue
PocketFox chapter 2 . 2/5/2003
Okay, so I'm an adamant anit-ViciousXGren shipper, but this is still a beautiful story already. - I'm going to read it just because you're a great author, and because Gren gets saved. Woo! *waves a 'Gren Forever' pennant*

I've always loved your way with words, and this story really takes the cake. I'm glad you're really inspired with it!
teethlikedog chapter 1 . 2/5/2003
*raises hand* I'm with you! I'm with you! Well, one chapter in and I'm already hooked. Your portrayal of Vicious' thoughts is great, and the last lines make a devilishly good cliffhanger! I'll be looking forward to more. *camps out in front of the monitor*
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