Reviews for Skyrim: The Wolf Queen Awakened
Guest chapter 29 . 4/30/2024
this is an ass twist. kys faggot
Guest chapter 28 . 4/30/2024
it's what you get for being a passive aggressive pussy with a massive ego faggot ass dragonborn
Guest chapter 25 . 4/30/2024
why is the dragonborn so retarded if his literal archmage gf seems to be for some reason okay with this shit. makes no sense, dogshit writing. the dragonborn is almost like a shittily written dnd paladin lmao
Lord Macnaughton chapter 41 . 4/28/2024
The MC allows Vampires to prey on innocent civilians including the old infirm and women and children. Those that escape the vampires are butchered as they try to flee congratulations you are the bad guy.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 30 . 4/28/2024
That Sheogorath bit was the most amusing or I should say the only thing I have found amusing so far.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 28 . 4/28/2024
Feminism women liberation and equality are all failed experiments.

Also these people allowing in game events and storyline to dictate their actions is not the actions of adults or people with years of experience.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 27 . 4/28/2024
There were so many things wrong with this battle it is hard to comprehend and that's without the blatant Braveheart reference. Sigh.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 25 . 4/27/2024
Forgot to say it earlier but if you want to eliminate all racists you have to kill everyone the Dunmer are racist to the Nords and the Nords are racist to the Dunmer et cetera. Also again with the LOTR copying I smack you sir stop it.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 23 . 4/27/2024
Markarth is not ideal farmland meaning they have to import food and Tala intends to send an army into High Rock but first sends her Werewolves to terrorize the villagers and kill their cattle. One does not destroy the food supply in front of the army unless you are a defender retreating.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 20 . 4/27/2024
The Dark Brotherhood are hired assassins not loyal to anyone if they are hired to kill Tala they will do it.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 18 . 4/27/2024
You have taken Skyrim and turned it into an oppressive tyrant state Tala proclaims her love of freedom but does not understand the ramifications. Skyrim is Nord land yes even Markarth Hold yet Tala will force the Nords to be humiliated as their land is taken from the native Nords and inhabited by foreigners. Before you say oh but the Forsworn forget it they are Bretons and they have a home in High Rock what is worse is that the Forsworn are savages.

WTF why is this scene even here? see this is what I was talking about some Stormcloaks show up asking for Tala's protection and she demands they either swear loyalty to her or die this is dumb. She doesn't even allow the Stormcloaks to fight evenly matched opponents instead choosing werewolves and herself who is possessed by Potema and wields the Mace of Molag Bal.

I don't know if anyone else bothered to point this out but nobody would allow a Hold to exist that is full of werewolves vampires and all manner of reprobates. Just how far is she willing to push this religious freedom the Daedra support all kind of indecent things so if someone rapes a woman in the street because his god supports this kind of deed will she allow it? If someone is following the perversions of sanguine and they like to touch kids is this allowed?

Uh and you had to bring beastiality into this story you are depraved.

Lord Macnaughton chapter 17 . 4/27/2024
This was the most cringe chapter yet.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 16 . 4/27/2024
Tala has taken dying and going to a different universe strangely well but more than that to an unbelievable degree she has quickly become accustomed to murdering tons of people yet she is timid of sex of all things. Both Tala and Potema are childish in behavior.

Stealing from LOTR is unforgivable.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 14 . 4/27/2024
When referring to the Legion and how many troops they have it should be stated in terms of half a legion or a cohort or even half a cohort.

There are many more towns and villages in each Hold than what we see in game the Kingdom of Skyrim is not populated by a few hundred to low thousand people. So one thing people keep doing which is annoying is treating a place like Rorikstead as a village it is and is not you see it is in the name it is Rorik's Homestead it is his land those that live there are either his servants/laborers or bought plots of land from him.

Forsworn are neither well equipped or well disciplined. Things have been far too easy so far and it is not clear who is running the show Tala or Potema it feels like neither has any real choice on what is happening in fact this story so far would have been batter without Tala who can be eliminated and nothing would have changed.

This proclamation of Freedom for all species/races/religions would not end well too many conflicting morals and interests.

Tala would have been suffering casualties during all these assaults so far none have been mentioned.

When an army enters an enemy city is is very difficult to maintain control of the troops from rape and pillaging seeing as Tala has draugr and undead in her army they would be easy to control but the Forsworn vampires and werewolves? No they would slaughter many innocents.

The position of queen/king in Nord society are not hereditary meaning Elisif has no right to the throne of Solitude unless elected by that Hold's nobles. Also her not having any children yet is not a concern as yet again the position of High King/Queen is an elected position.
Lord Macnaughton chapter 6 . 4/27/2024
I have not got very far and I already take issue with a lot of things which I will not list here.

What I want to say now is that the Nords obviously operate on Viking society to some degree so the Jarls are Jarls in name only the High King of Skyrim is named thus for a reason all the "Jarls" we see in game are actually Kings. This means that each of the "Jarls" would have lesser lords or chieftains sworn to them and while Nords may allow for a Thing to be held and a Jarl chosen one can not simply remove a Jarl. If a Jarl for whatever reason is forced to flee the Hold capital that Jarl still has their own lands and (hmm what is the word?) not Karls I believe they were actually called Housecarls and any and all allied chieftains would bring their own housecarls.
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