Reviews for I Saw Mummy Kiss Chat Noir
Mr. Spinner chapter 7 . 11/27/2016
Well-written as always. The "lists" were both accurate and wuite funny, I couldn't stop smiling through the whole thing. Keep it up, this story is awesome!
Mamanele chapter 7 . 11/27/2016
I love it! they are really that melodramatic xD Really good chapter, can't wait for more! :D
GuardianAngel1234567 chapter 7 . 11/27/2016
Alya, you made it worst. Hopefully this will end happily, or humorously.
LabGirl2001 chapter 7 . 11/27/2016
Not going to lie I died reading this chapter. I love Adrien and Marinette's worries. They should probably confuse a little less in their friends though.
May the Tomato be with you chapter 6 . 11/27/2016
oh gosh!
when will they tell kids?
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 6 . 11/26/2016
Adrien can't deny he is like a cat in & out of being Cat Noir. Marinette wearing high heels dangerous. That shoe is dangerous even fur females whom can walk in them let only ones whom are promo to clumsiness as Mari & myself.
Yes Emma has mother's kick. Mari blaming Adrien fur their kittens' behavior sure blame daddy cat. The twins' cheeky (parents), mischievous (Adrien) & clever (parents but more Adrien) behavior is furom both of them. ;-) Marinette calling Cat Noir her hero won't hurt Adrien if anything it will brighten his LIMPING step! Good boy Hugo fur noticing that. The twins getting sent the headmaster's office understandable. Hugo doesn't let much get to him, but his sister hurt than kindness washes away. Seeing the twins makes me think of "two by two" of Sofia the First! The two different drawings well that was interesting. Mari it's not a "problem" it's a out of proportion catastrophe!
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 5 . 11/26/2016
Cat Noir is very punny get it? (Giggles) He is pawitively cattastly purrfect! Yes Plagg has a point Emma is stubborn as both her parents. Kitty will have to work hard to get on her good side. Plagg next time pay attention, Adrien summoning you to transform was a given. There is no way that latest assistant will last long, all of Adrien's assistants were either melodramatic/not coping or skunks? Well that's just super. (Note:Sarcasm) That latest one not only interrupted Mari's dress designing but in directly insulted her business skill to boot. Oh yes Nathalie is missed but very much desrved retirement.
The school visit was nice until it wasn't. Marinette got a call? Has to be about Emma. the children & teacher's reactions cute I can see it happening. Cat should have swung by the headmaster but I don't believe he will care much. I mean it's Cat Noir not unknown person. The children's questions were so adorable & very intelligent ones too. My favorite were: Are you really part cat?, Do you get fleas?, How do you go to the bathroom in that suit?, Do you know Batman? and the last one Will you come home with me to check under my bed fur monsters? So truly cute.
NOW EMMA YOU DON'T JUST KICK CAT NOIR! However Kitty casual calling her "Little Lady" may have pushed it. She is so hiss little kitten. Cat can take akumas (long at ago or not) plus regular criminals and not feel much to no pain but furom Emma Mew-ouch.
DemigodOnFire chapter 6 . 11/26/2016


KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 4 . 11/25/2016
Volpina encouraging Cat Noir in mischief true. But the unholy mischief the twins think, oh please she was have killed Cat than told LB what happened. Emma's favorite Cat Noir doll now disregarded hurts. More so molding little Dottie too hate Cat as well. A RAT! EMMA YOUNG LADY YOUR SO GROUNDED! (sigh) Hugo it happens with twins you have to be the good one. The doll noosed? I actually laughed, because it shows Emma is more destruction than creation. Adrien seeing the doll yikes, what was Plagg doing at the time? Oh Adrien life skills come when they come. It's not shameful, purractice makes purrfect.
Adrien you will NEVER turn out like HIM speaking of that, Gabriel dies of heart attack? Well I'm shocked, you need to have a heart first for that happen. Even in death Adrien still succumb to his wishes. (Punches the wall) Yes Mari I agree Gabriel should have lived long enough for both us to throttle that warm as iceberg sorry excuse of a parent! Hawk Moth's true identity or not (I believe Gabriel is him) were horribly unjustified. Adrien was his son not pawn in game or puppet to pull strings. Everything Adrien did was to please his father. It was EVIL! It was as if Adrien had to appease Gabriel to loved!

Alright I'm stopping my review here if I type more I will get more furious.
yellow 14 chapter 6 . 11/24/2016
Hugo is really sweet, sticking by his sister like that. Yeah...this could be problematic;D Keep updating
black neko hime chapter 6 . 11/24/2016
Poor Adrien. He did not need to see that...
I hope Hugo puts two and two together.
Thanks for updating!
Mamanele chapter 6 . 11/23/2016
I love reading this story! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Lord Jaraxxus chapter 6 . 11/23/2016
Okay, it is time for Adrien to sit his ass down and ask his kids why they hate Chat Noir.
GuardianAngel1234567 chapter 6 . 11/23/2016
Please! Keep updating until this whole misunderstanding is cleared up!
Fanfan81224 chapter 6 . 11/23/2016
Really exciting! Can't wait to read more! And Hugo seems like the best older brother in the world!:)
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