Reviews for This Gonna Be Good
Mavsynchroid chapter 64 . 2/2
Really enjoyed your writing! A shame you stopped, but understandable if you no longer have the groove. This was a really fun story to read, so thank you for all the hard work!
heleana1 chapter 64 . 10/10/2024
Please update soon!
P.K. Lovecraft1 chapter 56 . 10/1/2024
Crazy cuckoo **** Bellatrix Lestrange Now that Woman has got a few screws loosers while having a few fries short of a nappy meal cuckoo for cockup offs that woman
BlindFaunusGirl chapter 64 . 9/2/2024
I really enjoyed your story. I hope that you continue it at some point but I am grateful for you sharing the story regardless.
CoffeeGirlObsession chapter 52 . 8/7/2024
It's been so long since this book has been updated, is it deserted or did something happen to the author.
summer164 chapter 2 . 5/1/2024
summer164 chapter 1 . 4/24/2024
Webkop chapter 34 . 4/12/2024
Im gonna have to abandon the book here, loved it up till now but having bucky and luna as souls mates is just insane to me. Luna is 11. Yeah they may not be doing any couple things but bucky was 27 when he fell of the train and its just nuts to think about. In the story soulmates have to be close together or they get seperation anxiety so bucky will have to constanly stay by her as she GROWS UP.
flashingreeneyes chapter 29 . 2/13/2024
Oh. Shit. DumblesCompany have SANE DEADLY people after them . . . PWAHAHAHAHA
flashingreeneyes chapter 25 . 2/13/2024
The beauty of FANFICS is that when there are plot holes we get to see them worked out! It’s so much fun seeing the story grow into itself! Because, let’s face it, the authors can olot and plan and still the story will tKe iff inn different directions on them! Great fun!
flashingreeneyes chapter 18 . 2/12/2024
flashingreeneyes chapter 16 . 2/12/2024
I agree with your rant! Rehashing everything is unnecessary for this story. Also, Harri is 25. She doesn’t have the same patience as a child anymore. Aaaand she and her mates had been MURDERED by the duplicitous Traitors and Dumbledire. I think I’d have an attitude, too! I personally feel that if someone doesn’t like how your story is done; they can write their own story. Ridiculous!
Kyrstin Miszuk chapter 41 . 1/31/2024
A Fan chapter 1 . 12/4/2023
I just spent the last 2 hours (not an exaggeration, ffn has a really crappy search function and i could not remember the summary for the life of me so i was just searching buzzwords under the avengers cross over tags like phoenix and fem harry. time travel is what worked) searching for this fic because i read it once years ago (i wanna say in 2018 or 2019 iirc) and i loved it so much at the time that while im sick in the hospital (ill be fine) i just wanna reread this and slip back into the comfort it gave me. and it also updated in the time i was away!

This is just me saying, thank you so much for writing this and i hope you know the impact your story has had.
Kyrstin Miszuk chapter 11 . 11/21/2023
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