Reviews for The Wizarding Chronicles : Return of the True Descendant
kawasaki1298 chapter 31 . 10/9/2024
And pray tell how daphne was imperioused at all with her being at home behind the wards?
kawasaki1298 chapter 30 . 10/9/2024
If petigrew is this powerful what is the sense in bring voldemort back lmao this is the most oc shit i have ever seen of him like oh really petigrew can overpower you harry with all the training he has had not to mention petigrew was a rat for what 13 years? You make no sense the only reason i keep reading is to see what you do with harry and daphne or i would have dropped it like a hot coal
kawasaki1298 chapter 29 . 10/9/2024
Yup you made your own character petigrew is not strong enough to do any of this
kawasaki1298 chapter 29 . 10/9/2024
Peter petigrew was close to a squib due to his fear and never believing in himself just sayin. The petigrew in your story is mad oc
kawasaki1298 chapter 19 . 10/9/2024
And pray tell why hermionie would be on the seventh floor and then disregard her idols dumbledores words of the dark arts and how they arent to be trusted in real lore so if you do something like this her parents gotta dies or something theres not catalyst for her to just say oh i wanna learnt the dark arts now
kawasaki1298 chapter 16 . 10/9/2024
Ill give it to you, you didnt drag out sirious getting freed like everyone else does like i was expecting i appologize
kawasaki1298 chapter 14 . 10/9/2024
You make me not even want to read your trash ass story now why lead to this so you could drag it out? Starting to see shy its not a favorite of many
kawasaki1298 chapter 13 . 10/9/2024
Author is evil no author is stupid yes severous is a lunatic in your story and i highly doubt he could have fooled dumbles for that long js
Guest chapter 86 . 9/14/2024
Where other stories like destiny and doom
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 20 . 9/2/2024
He’s married to Slytherins portrait wuuur
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 16 . 9/2/2024
Explosions theres so many explosions BIG EXPLOSIONS small explosions
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 8 . 9/2/2024
Fluer and malfoy
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 3 . 9/2/2024
GET NAKED RLLY LIKE NOT STRIP OR UNDRESS OMG THIS IS UGGG WHAT DO I EVEN lol this is friggin funny but stewpit at the same time omguh
Amber chapter 21 . 4/22/2024
one man's reality is another man's illusion." I wonder where you got thos from lmfao I love this line from Itachi lol.
Guest chapter 86 . 2/3/2024
The best plot i have ever read
This is even better than "basilisk born"
There is no time travel, harry is smart and cunning, powerful to boot
Honestly, best ever fanfiction of Harry Potter
Please continue your work
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