Reviews for Semper Vigilo
Verdauga chapter 3 . 7/16
Verdauga chapter 2 . 7/15
Coolio. They're Bros now.
Verdauga chapter 1 . 7/15
Well written. And in-character too. What an arrogant and supid Asari.
admiralsakai.wikitroid chapter 133 . 7/15
Oh, hey, is back up!

I'd seriously advise setting up at least a backup account on AO3 at this point... especially if you don't have all of SV as it currently exists still available as local files...


"Carius", huh?

More power to you, honestly, the guy really did deserve better than that one weird Thousand Years 'fic.

Otherwise I don't have a lot to say about this one other than that I am a sucker for both turian culture and courtroom dramas, so I hope to get to Shepard's actual trial, and the Taetran insurgency, ASAP.
AyeJimmy123 chapter 133 . 7/14
Monster King chapter 133 . 7/7
Awesome work please continue the story
Tritio chapter 132 . 6/29
I’ve just read all 132 chapters. Thank you for writing and sharing this story! Its awesome and I’ll keep reading it.
TheMacGuffinMan chapter 1 . 6/24
Good stuff. I like the Turians so this looks promising.
Yavanna80 chapter 132 . 6/5
OMG that was thrilling and so intense. I couldn't stop reading. Thank goodness Krest and Traynor are OK. Hope Krest can become a really great secondary character. He could bring lots of experience indeed.

Ah, Jacob. Always the charmer, sod off!

I'm glad you were able to finally write the conspiracy bit and it all comes crashing down and the shit show starts. I'm sure you can rope the Traynor-Wong connection and let's see what happens in Terra Nova and Morneau. Hope Daniel is OK and can come back to HSAIS.

Terrific job as always!
AyeJimmy123 chapter 132 . 6/4
admiralsakai.wikitroid chapter 132 . 6/3
Well well well!

I have to say that while I was expecting something *like* this since we started the whole PGI investigation, I was not expecting things to go pear-shaped *quite* this quickly. But now it is, indeed, all starting to come together.

It might interest you to know that robots actually *have* killed people through blunt-force trauma before IRL. Specifically, a researcher at Harvard was working with an industrial robot and was still in its range of motion when he set it to a series of automated movements, and it whipped around and smacked him in the back of the head.

Also, interestingly, Lorik Qui'in mentions keeping the blood off the carpets in the Noveria mission in ME1, but I cannot recall ever seeing actual carpeting in any of the actual world areas.

I'd assume "FACIUS" is supposed to be "Facinus"? If so, color me intrigued. I always like seeing your portrayal of turians, and in particular the bits of information you've dropped on Facinus as it exists in the SV-verse (Semperverse?) have got me looking for more.
norbi0405 chapter 132 . 6/3
Ever thought of writing a book yourself? I would buy it without a second thought. If already writing, please give a titles in the next update!
Monster King chapter 132 . 5/31
Awesome work please continue the story your doing amazing work it's incredible
Guest chapter 11 . 5/4
Another female Shepard. How novel.
Yavanna80 chapter 131 . 4/27
Such a mind-blowing Hard line, PGI, HK story. I'm so thrilled at the how hard you worked to intertwine everything and how organic this all looks. You have my utmost admiration, Cunktoad because this is one hell off a thriller!
Poor Jacob always ends up in a shitty corpo. Hope he doesn't get the sack as the ME fandom uses to treat him. He just needs a better and more decently story and I hope you can make him more useful than the game. :)
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