Reviews for A Nobody
FusionCoreReactor chapter 11 . 10/30/2024
Destruction my man, pursuing his passions looking for a new purpose.
Mysterious Gamer X chapter 63 . 6/15/2024
Wonder if this will come back at some point…Naruto is still in other Worlds and hasn’t resolved things with Talia and Barbara yet. Not to mention the existing Morgan & Mordred threat. But it’s been a few years, so we’ll see if there’s ever an eventual return.
EmptySpot chapter 50 . 4/21/2024
truthfully this chapter was a huge one with a lot of info dumping and exposition, making it extremely tedious and difficult to read. i’m not familiar enough with the other medias incorporated into your fanfic outside of naruto and some batman but the whole endless and kingdom hearts influence is so strong that it makes the overall feel lose some substance in my opinion. it is interesting to read but there’s just so much jam packed that it’s like a dish with too much seasoning.
EmptySpot chapter 43 . 4/20/2024
lloyd’s rep sheet makes him just sound like the average goon so vanitas’s struggle against him feels forced
EmptySpot chapter 42 . 4/20/2024
they canNOT being calling each other sisters if they literally boink TT like maybe the romance isn’t there but they definitely are in a relationship with each other that isn’t just based on naruto
EmptySpot chapter 34 . 4/20/2024
i think this chapter really marks the heavy kingdom hearts influence with the dreaming which as a reader i don’t like but tolerate. i don’t even remember if naruto’s powers even ever get explained which i believe is a plot hole.
EmptySpot chapter 10 . 4/17/2024
i’m rereading for the first time in yrs TT i know i’m supposed to withhold my sense of disbelief but CPR breaks rips
bibink729 chapter 28 . 12/26/2023
TwinstarDragon chapter 16 . 12/22/2023
Plus it will go well with naruto unpredictable personality. They said that he can’t impregnate poison ivy so then he said fuck you I can do it and accomplished that feat. Making people shocked enough that their jaws dropped to the floor
TwinstarDragon chapter 16 . 12/22/2023
I know you poison Ivy be barren. But since Naruto is a sage and has void/null power. Couldn’t he use that null power to nullify the poison and make it possible for her to get pregnant again and use the nature energy to make his sperm super fertile that poison Ivy will have no choice (really she would have a choice since she the one asking for it) but to become pregnant?
bibink729 chapter 1 . 12/18/2023
bibink729 chapter 1 . 12/18/2023
Archangel Uzumaki chapter 1 . 11/22/2023
His eyes are blue not hazel?
GriffinDeBlade chapter 44 . 11/18/2023
Putting Anakin's reaction from How it should have ended is gold. And I hope you write more chapters soon.
xxPercyRoxxx chapter 46 . 11/6/2023
Love the story
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