Reviews for The XXXX You Say
storybook thumb chapter 4 . 2/22/2017
Oh I get it the four x's is fuck lol this story is great it will get out more don't give up Hell I'm only on chapter 4
storybook thumb chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
Wow that was just one chapter! I feel like I learned so much being this a phone not going into details take to long
George Cristian810 chapter 11 . 2/16/2017
Very nice story and an used idea but with a new and unexpected plot.I absolute love the way you portait the Queen and The Royal Family and I absolute like the military aspect of the story,the only story whete I found
a military solution to Voldemort are A squib wort and MedievalManiack The shadow legion story but with differit plots.I will to see The Dursley reaction to Harry new found position and wealth and how Hermione get her revenge on them for theier tratament of Harry..
karmcmahon chapter 10 . 2/11/2017
Loved your work. Great attention to detail.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/8/2017
The first few chapters were ok as far as the story went, but the last two chapters have just deteriorated into a shagfest.
Mari Wollsch chapter 10 . 2/9/2017
great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SarahTaylorTam chapter 8 . 1/27/2017
Great story interesting and funny love luna bit op but good story can't wait to see where you take this keep up the good work
elisa-didlittle chapter 4 . 1/25/2017
Nice Story. I like the references to "Muggle Summer" and "Brave New World". I can't find "Brave New World" anywhere; apparently Bellerophon took it down.

I was appalled that a fic this good only had 5 reviews. So I wrote this and now you have six. Six. SIX reviews. WOOT!
DaSalvatore chapter 4 . 1/23/2017
Bloody brilliant. A right good laugh this and one I look forward to seeing continue.
Shadnar chapter 5 . 1/5/2017
I enjoyed reading this. It seems a mix of styles but still flows well. Thanks for all the work you put in!
Smutley Do-Wrong chapter 1 . 12/29/2016
Gets a lot more normal/'sirius', the later part of the chapter. Early on, read like parody-humor to cracked, perhaps cracker, considering headed to Tennessee.
Ironic, a theory, that the parody-like silly shit fell flat, mainly due to my recently having read such BAD Potter fanfics, the tone was seeming lame at times, rather than humorous, me preconditioned to seriously serious but BAD writing instead, collapsed veins not letting campy silly humorous writing flow properly for a while.

That seeming coital first bedding scene needs an edit, a huh? what & where hands and bits touched and did... wtf? Later seems a vulva wiener drag across Hermione camel toe buns, ok, THAT not coital. But overall, a surprise that ALL the contact on and off the page, was all noncoital, and...well, seems STILL an understatement by Mrs. Granger that "it" was all only "heavy petting". Well, perhaps I will (should) lookup latest claimed definition of that term.
BTW, you misspelled like in 96 percent of fanfic authors do, or possibly SPELL checkers run amok do, "correcting" confund (ded, ding, conFUNDUS) to confound(ded, ding...) even more often than Harry but more often TRIAL regarding Sirius, ends up a TRAIL.

You are a blueball tease if Fleur at the least, if not Fleur & Nym, not SOON getting Hermione approval for conjugal visiting, asap.
How about end of July weeks off, in future. A weeks off getting off good, birthday surprise for Harry, a confident and gone kinky(look at her mom, pretty uninhibited afterall) Hermione ready to "experiment". Heck, longer term, even mom and daughter kink play for Harry wouldn't seem OOC for the character(istics) of this fic.

netesy1 chapter 1 . 12/10/2016
awesome story
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