Reviews for Elven Slave
Arifel chapter 11 . 4/11/2003
I LOVE your story. Please, please, please, go on!

brazos chapter 11 . 4/10/2003
trust will come
zomaar iemand chapter 11 . 4/10/2003
I like your fic, it's original. I do have a few questions/remarks however: I wonder about how Aragorn introduces himself as "Strider", refusing to tell them his real name, and suddenly Gimli's referring to him as "Aragorn". He didn't know his real name, did he? Just because we all know, doesn't mean Gimli did. Also I would've liked to see more of this 'convincing' Aragorn and Legolas not to kill eachother, one second they want to kill each other, then they've called a truce and we missed out? I want to know! The last conversation was great, even though it could have been a bit longer. Very touching.

I don't think you wait long between updates at all, there were five new chapters waiting when I read it just now!

PS: whatever happened to the nice Elf Gimli met in the hospital? And Dilse? I really like them.
Acadian Angel chapter 11 . 4/10/2003
Many thanks for the new chapter. I am really enjoying this piece.
Faerfaen chapter 11 . 4/10/2003
O I'm dieing to see how this all turns out! Do they goto Rivendell? or what? O updat eagain soon!

*~* Dy *~*
findabhair chapter 1 . 4/9/2003
BTW the ... in my previous revew were suppoed to be laughter
Lisseyelen aka Lady V chapter 11 . 4/9/2003
No! They're becoming friendly! *sulk*

Well, I'm not sure how long my computer is going to last out here on me...been acting weird. So must hence. Good chapter! **
tenshiamanda chapter 11 . 4/9/2003
Loved those chapters, poor Aragorn. Update soon!
D chapter 11 . 4/9/2003
I do think that this is an interesting tale, and well written. Please, do continue. I want to know what will happen.
Dragon-of-the-north chapter 11 . 4/9/2003
LOL - Gimli intervening to stop Legolas and Aragorn from squabbling? What a thought... I like it! And Gimli's a-b-c-list is very funny...

Poor Gimli... Hopelessly confused? Apparently, he doesn't know Gandalf... Just not to get _me_ confused: in your AU, Gandalf and Gloin have never met, then, or has Gloin refrained from telling Gimli about it if he has met Gandalf?

Teehee... Legolas can sound like his father... "Man. Tell me..." LOL!

Ah... But it's cute that he turns to Gimli for help... They are finally becoming friends! I like that a lot!

Clever Aragorn. He knows very well that Gimli is treading cautiously... Not exactly lying, but not being honest either.

Aww! Gimli takes Legolas' side... And an approving look from Legolas! Wonderful!

LOL to their "unnatural"ly long legs... Poor dwarf!

Gimli's conversation with Aragorn is beautiful... So he felt he was destined to become Legolas friend? I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen the morning after... If something will happen at all. ;-)

Well, I'm glad to hear that Elrond hasn't turned into a completely bad guy... So I suppose he treats his prisoners more or less well, and Gimli and Legolas won't find Thranduil as an annihilated wreck somewhere in the deepest dungeon... Oh, and remember to tell us about the box some time! Would be a nice gesture to establish their friendship if Legolas told Gimli what he has done to it... I still stick to my theory... But I really can't wait for an explanation... You could mail me one... ;-)
Celeblas chapter 11 . 4/9/2003
EEck! Another chapter! *pounces hugs* I love you! Now let's see.,.Aragorn's scared of Legolas? *blinks* lol! bording school? *bigger laugh* I'm sure Aragorn 'loved' that! well, more chappies, yes? soon, yes? goodie! ryl!

Much Love!

Whitecoyote chapter 11 . 4/8/2003
This is wonderful! You have once again written a great chapter. Keep going! :)
Nina chapter 11 . 4/8/2003
Peace is such a beautiful word, but also so hard to achieve. Good chapter!
SperryDee chapter 11 . 4/8/2003
If things have changed so much, is Aragorn still in love with Arwen? And please update soon! I love this fic!

-SperryDee and Charlie the Naz-Bunny
Erhothwen chapter 11 . 4/8/2003
Great chapter!

One note though, Arathorn was shot in the eye and killed when Aragorn was only two. Elrond then took 'Estel' as his foster won. Depending on Aragorn's age, Gilraen would have already died. (I remembered reading it in the RotK appendixes)

Other that that, I loved this chapter!

Update soon,

Lady Thwen
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