Reviews for Elven Slave
MoroTheWolfGod chapter 3 . 2/11/2003
More please! Is Gimli gonna cut him some slack?
Lisseyelen aka Lady V chapter 3 . 2/11/2003



*hugs arms around self and giggles* Love love love *love* Legolas angst!

You *should* have Gimli beat him, though, in all seriousness. The Dwarf has been brought up believing that these creatures are the cause of all their problems, and since Gimli is so obviously irritated with Legolas, it seems only right that he would.

It (a muse): Oh, cut it out.

Lady V: *balk* Whaaaat?

It: You're just trying to sound sane while you try to persuade Nosila to get Gimli to beat Legolas.

Lady V: *blanch* /Shh! Don't let her know that!/

It: *rolls eyes and goes back to playing with the spiders*

Lady V: *sweet smile, kicks It behind back* So, because of how you have things set up, the natural course for everything to run would to have Gimli beat the poor Elf.

Which reminds me-one of my two big pet peeves. Elf is always capitalized. :-)

It: *looks mildly surprised* Wow...that was nice.

Lady V: *sticks tongue out at him* I like this story too much to be irritable about it like I usually am.

It: *looks impressed* Wow, Nosila, take that as a high compliment!

Lady V: Yeah, well.

I love the way you've worked all of this stuff out, the fact that Gandalf and the others wouldn't be there and the like...and even the fact that Oropher would be king of Mi-Greenwood still. I pride myself on knowing the general timeline of Greenwood/Mirkwood/Greenleaves, and even *I* forgot about the whole Oropher wouldn't be dead right now thing.

Good job!

And because this review is already *way* too long...

Will be awaiting the next chapter soon!
Nina chapter 3 . 2/11/2003
Hi. it was a good idea to write a prologue. Well, Poor legolas! i hope Gimli can be gentler with him very soon. He is so scared.
Tina chapter 1 . 2/10/2003
Very interesting, please write more.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2003
Wow, this is a new idea. I am really really interested to see where you take it. I am curious to know why the elves were fighting, and what the wood elves did to make the Noldor so mad. I agree that Legolas should have the title of prince. Please, please update soon! And just on a personal note, make them friends, make them enemies, but please for the love of mercy don't put in any slash!
Andmetwen chapter 1 . 2/9/2003
nooooooooooooo! don't stop there! please don't stop there! oh please, yb the valar, hurry and update!
killslay chapter 1 . 2/9/2003
*jumping up and down eagerly* Yay, Gimli/Legolas fluffy goodness! I'm sick of all those A/L stories with this sort of plot! Update soon!
Ryoko Lasgalen chapter 1 . 2/9/2003
OOohh bugger, please dont end it there!
Nina chapter 1 . 2/9/2003
Well, I don't know what went wrong with my review so I'll repeat it. your story seems interesting. legolas is a prince too, see, for example, Prince Charles and his son Prince William. Will it be slash? I hope so. Bye.
Moose4 chapter 1 . 2/8/2003
Ooooh... Elf torture But.. How are the Elves going to survive the Dwarf mines? Aren't they kinda claustrophobic? Oh! Must have more!
Lisseyelen aka Lady V chapter 1 . 2/8/2003
Hmm...This is a very *very* unique plot to it.

I'll be interested to see where you go with it!
tenshiamanda chapter 1 . 2/8/2003
Well...this is different. I can't wait for you to continue. Update soon!
Emerald Queen chapter 1 . 2/8/2003
O_o, like it? Love it! Just out of interest, when is this set?

I think Legolas would still be called a Prince. It does kinda make sense because in this world, there's prince William even though its his grandparents who are the ruling monarchs.

How come Gimli is being this nice to the elven slaves?Is he going to make friends with Legolas like he does in LOTR?

How many slaves are there being given to the dwarfs anyway?

I don't like the dwarfs anymore. I used to, but now I don't like them, lol.

can't wait for the next chapter,

lots of luv,

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