Reviews for Elven Slave
Faerfaen chapter 19 . 7/11/2003
No more inspiration? too bad.. well it was aweosme and I look forward to reading more of your work!

*~* Dy *~*
Dis Thrainsdotter chapter 19 . 7/11/2003
I like the ending of this story, and I think that things will go well for all of them now. Imagine, Dilse as a goverment advisor, that is truly great. Celeborn and Galadriel happily married, and Galadriel may be pregnant. If I ask you to please write a sequel, will you at the least consider one? Pretty please, with whippes cream and cherry on top?
Mysterious Reviewer chapter 18 . 7/9/2003
Well of COURSE Gimli wouldn't be there! I thought it could be told from Legolas' POV. But yes, you are quite right in that it should be a private thang (wasn't thinking there- DOH!). I'm so happy for Legolas, though! He's been through so much lately, it's nice to see him his old self again...

Anyways, as for the whole it's-gonna-take-a-long-time-for-peace-to-be-negotiated-blah-blah-blah thang, I think you wrote it out splendidly. If you hadn't shortnened it, it would have taken several more chapters!

Overall, a very, very, very splendiferous story (in my most humble opinion), and I can't wait to read the epilogue and any othr LOTR stories you post in the future (or any other stories you post, for that matter!) You definitely have a career in writing ahead of you, if that's what you decide to do. Lord knows you have the talent and the imagination for it.

Thank you very much for a very groovy time reading your story. I hope you decide to write more in the future, for I will most certainly be checking for them.

-Mysterious Reviewer
Whitecoyote chapter 18 . 7/8/2003
This chapter was a bit short, but still good. Can't wait for more! :)
SperryDee chapter 18 . 7/8/2003
'S okay. Anything that takes my mind off my creative writing camp teacher's nagging about me needing to see a shrink is well worth the wait. Too bad you didn't put a little bit from Galadriel's POV about the reunion with Celeborn. I would've loved to see that! Two lovers, torn apart by war, reunited after long absence in times of peace? Can someone say romance novel idea? I'd buy it!

-SperryDee ; )
Dragon-of-the-north chapter 18 . 7/8/2003
*relieved sigh* Peace at last - that is very good! I like peaceful happy endings - and certainly this is a happy ending (for I hope that the dwarves will not insist on continuing the war because they want more elven slaves... ;-)).

Gimli is wonderful again - that all must be a bit much for him, and then, the beautiful lady is not interested in him, but only in fair lord Celeborn... ;-) But I am glad that he only feels "amazed", not overly sad - and I rather like his position as a not quite impartial, but not too involved observer.

The banter with Legolas was cute once again - and I like Gimli's wry thoughts (for example, that Thranduil cannot have had the chance to say but a single word if Legolas talked like this for all the time ;-)).

Do not apologize for not having written the reunion - it is difficult to write good and convincing reunions, and some things are best left to the readers' imagination - so thank you for allowing the long-seperated elves some privacy!

And Legolas' happiness was obvious even without a description of the reunion - it is good to see him so glad and happy after all what he has been through. :-)

Well... Now I am looking forward to the epilogue! What happened to Gimli's box, what are the dwarves going to say to all of this, and... what about sweet Dilse? ;-)
Nessa Ar-Fieneil chapter 18 . 7/7/2003
I liked the pillow fight between Gimli and Legolas. I wish you had shown Legolas' reunion with his father. Here is an interesting idea. Next time the Sindar and Noldor have a disagreement maybe they could settle it with pillows instead of weapons.
AA Battery chapter 18 . 7/7/2003

Yes, it did go a little fast but, i don't care cause I know what it feels like to be sick of writing a story but you know you have to because everyone is reading it. And then you want to hurry to not make them wait and then you story might be rushed. That same thing happened with Slave for Too Long with me. So I understand and accept.


Please hurry with the Epilougne!

-AA Battery
Faerfaen chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
Wow this was short. But it was awesome! I'm glad they finally made peace. I really look forward to the Epilogue and hopefully a sequel!

*~* Dy *~*
Celeblas chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
Nope but that's always nice to hear! lol, I absolutly loved this chapter! It was great, I really liked the party scene, lol, and the pillow flying across the room! ROTFL!

Much love!

Nina chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
It was a happy chapter. Well done.
Erhothwen chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
I loved this chapter and I'm glad Celeborn could make his appearance.

Looks like peace is finally coming 'round!

Update soon,

Andmetwen chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
lol, it's no problem! i mean it was a long wait, but it was worth it! but now that school's out, you will update more frequently or at least try to, right? lol, you know i'm impateint and i hate waiting! please update!
Emerald Queen chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
Wonderful chapter. . .or should I say chapters? I can't believe I missed so many! I'm not sure how I managed it, but hey, I can review now.

I hope the elves drink enough wine to make friends, but not so much wine that they egt really drunk and start fighting.

It's a good thing they didn't cut Legolas' hair or he would have gone insane! Probably worse than Sauron on a bad day. Not good.

I hope nobody makes a huge mistake in the next chapter and skrews up all hope of peace, because that would be too much to bear.

Just as a passing thought, if Gondor and Rivendell were allies, were Gondor deeply involved in the war?

Finally, the geurilla tactics used by the Sindar would have wiped the floor with the Noldor elves! I'm suprised they lasted as long as they did!

lots of luv,

Dis Thrainsdotter chapter 18 . 7/6/2003
It is a good thing that peace does look closer now, a real peace like all of them deserve to have. I do hope for a joyus wedding between Galadriel and Celeborn which would also seal the peace. Wouldnt it be nice if both Gimli and Legolas found food girls to marry and could have a wedding together?
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