Reviews for Picnic Panic
Owl chapter 3 . 11/30
A lovely story. Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 3 . 11/27
Almost perfect. Like bringing in parents through the Leaky to go to Diagon her mother could've been brought in. Its the 2000s, they had that war and with Harry's status the thought he couldn't just bring her mom feels wrong.

Also sad her mom is still alone. I wouldn't have minded if she had even ended up with Harry alongside Hermione for that matter.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/27
Not finished yet but wtf? The first two chapters were perfect. Then this one has some top tier weird zealot woman thats straight up acting weird even for a zealot.

Whats with the living in sin crap to a complete stranger and okaying his bullying because of sin and such to strangers she knows nothing about to blame. The whole thing was off.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/27
I can't blame others asking for more. It would also be weird to end it before Harry and Hermione actually got together which this seems to be leading towards. Which is the way it fricken should've been in Canon.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/27
odonnellzoo99 chapter 3 . 10/19
Always an enjoyable read
Duckyish chapter 3 . 10/16
A truly heartwarming story.
Death is the last enemy chapter 3 . 9/27
This is such a beautiful piece of work. I love everything about it and truly it is perfect as is.
kaijuka chapter 1 . 8/31
yknow i was a little disappointed that harry and hermione getting together happened off screen, but at the same time its kind of refreshing. the old "we were idiots why did it take us so long to realize" schtick is good, but overdone.
Alwin-nl chapter 3 . 8/21
Bravo. Extremely well done. While I ship H/G and am a bit sad she’s nowhere to be found I’m also happy some convoluted breakup isn’t forced like so often. And I still think the Ron/Hermione pairing was absurd, even if the ginger garbage disposal wasn’t abusive.

Beautiful story, favourited!
Jimhh chapter 3 . 8/15
As I write this I don't know if you will ever read it, but I wanted to thank you for a great story, even if it's only 3 chapters. It is a great heart tugging story with lots of moral wisdom and truth. Great job and I hope if you continue to write that they are as good as this story.
john t chapter 3 . 7/21
a beautiful and touching story.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/21
Excellent story. Loved every bit of it.
stacymartjimenez chapter 3 . 5/27
No puedo creer lo perfecto que fue leer esto, hace mucho no encontraba este nivel de fanfic. 100/10
nounours4 chapter 3 . 4/15
Nice. Sweat.
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