Reviews for Other People's Choices
marvinkitfox1 chapter 21 . 3/15/2021
aHa.. A picture of Harry in the papers.
With his friends
Including Ron, and... Scabbers.

I was wondering how the Sirius thing would be recreated, as the changes from Harry had apparently affected the Weasleys sufficiently to prevent them winning the lotto, going to Egypt, and using *that* pathway for Sirius to see Pettigrew.
marvinkitfox1 chapter 17 . 3/15/2021
Oh my...
I was enjoying this story, and wondered if the Author had written anything else on here?
Groot Gief!

There are 607 of 'em, and many are longer than this story!

You DO realize you have now ruined my productivity for the next 6 months? ;-)
marvinkitfox1 chapter 5 . 3/14/2021
I'm sorry, but the OOC of the professors is simply ridiculous.
McGonagal being surprised that Harry does not trust her.
Her, the same professor who gave him a detention in the *FORBIDDEN FOREST* **AT NIGHT** to hunt whatever was KILLING UNICORNS?
marvinkitfox1 chapter 3 . 3/14/2021
Snape (i will NOT call him professor!)
freely admits that he is aware that Draco Malfoy has been sabotaging Harry's potions.
He *knows* that he has berated Harry for the resulting chaos, deducted points and assigned detentions for that.
He KNOWS this, and is still comfortable with himself?

That is NOT a teacher worth a sheet of used toilet paper!
Hunter844 chapter 50 . 2/24/2021
Uhhhhhh so if the child doesn’t press charges and the adult of the situation which is confirmed mentally ill doesn’t press charges nothing can be done. That’s like saying as long as harry doesn’t press charges against the Dursley’s nothing can be done
KnowInsight chapter 60 . 2/3/2021
interesting take on Sytherin Harry
Fuck Names chapter 59 . 1/18/2021
Blaise is awesome.
Starlafoxfire chapter 14 . 1/10/2021
I enjoyed part of your story and while i think it is well is a bit too slytherin for a hufflepuff like myself's tastes. while i can follow the mind games and manipulation i dont particularly like reading them. please understand i only write this to share my opinion. I hold you with high respect not only in your ability to write but to write the manipulative political side VERY well.

It is only that they are not for me, which is why I probably won't finish this.
adelalovesmadara chapter 60 . 1/2/2021
Well. Your version of Harry is so different than the one in canon yet I cannot explain it, your version of Sirius seems to be too one dimensional that I can't just take this fic seriously, and your version of Snape is a little too soft.

Book-Snape and movie-Snape are different. Your version definitely is closer to that of movie-Snape. Oh, and your Sirius is closer to the movie-Sirius too, I guess.
iadorespike chapter 21 . 12/23/2020
I am genuinely fascinated by Tarquinius. I am very much enjoying watching his plans unfolding. Thank you so much!
Baxter87 chapter 1 . 10/9/2020
Brilliant update!
Tork01 chapter 21 . 9/30/2020
Hasn't Sirius escaped in this version of reality? Or did the picture in the Prophet not take place.
Tork01 chapter 17 . 9/30/2020
Very interesting scenario that you are setting up here. Harry finally has adults who are helping him (even if one of them has a very checkered past), and is building friendships with others his age. Not isolated, abandoned and abused as in canon. As for the ending of this chapter with Draco, WTF?
Tim593 chapter 1 . 9/28/2020
Present tense? Seriously?! Why?
Steve-Arkarian chapter 53 . 9/6/2020
Once again I want to punch a character in the face, however, this time it's Remus. I already knew he was a coward but to spy on them ridiculous. Annnd I can't tell if Dumbledore is stupid, manipulative, doesn't understand what's going on, or bad. I'm not sure he's quite the level of evil but he is at least bad I think. Also it wasn't very clear about the new house and the Easter holidays, like, Harry has no guardian or the one he kind of has is Sirius who definitely wouldn't let him go off alone with Snape even if they are looking at the house they were just sort of suddenly at the house with no change between school and vacation and no clue how it was even possible.
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