Reviews for Harry Potter and the Chrysalis
gudes chapter 36 . 2/1
If you like lgbt propaganda where Harry fucks in the ass and Hermione is a lesbian then read it, if you are a normal person then don't even start
callmequinn21 chapter 1 . 10/21/2024
Why are people being so homophobic?
unicoralz chapter 31 . 8/12/2024
i never thought i could be affected so much by Dumbledore death as i have been in this chapter, i could not stop crying and rereading the chapter to prolonge these last moments that we have we Dumbledore, i depressed as of now.
Lord peverol chapter 36 . 8/10/2024
my personal opinion that is not how the hallows work but you’re the author so do with them what you will
unicoralz chapter 11 . 8/9/2024
i find my self shocked reading all these recent comments complaining about gay characters in this chapter, some of them are straight up homophobic and seems quite hypocritical that they are accepting of Hermione being a lesbian but Theo is taking it too far. if you dont like the story stop reading it and stop spreading hateful words about it with no attempt at criticism at all for the actual plot like many other comments have tried to bring up. You either contribute with useful advice or stop it with the hypocrisy.
Guest chapter 36 . 7/9/2024
Amazing story thank you for writing it and posting the last chapters!
Tri-Edge chapter 11 . 6/14/2024
Gay shit is disgusting. If you're going to have any sort of temporary relationship between two males, even be it only physical (sexual), or otherwise, then put that in the relationship tag and stop playing coy about it.

Most normal people don't want to read about a pair of faggots.
Homofob chapter 1 . 5/28/2024
The book was good until the author started cramming examples of sexual deviance into it. And everything quickly turned into naked propaganda of LGBT bullshit. It is not surprising that the author has mental problems. A shame.
MyntSprigs chapter 22 . 3/12/2024
Voldemort swearing truly makes me cackle
miss-direct836 chapter 11 . 1/30/2024
This chapter is very emotionally comfusing. It had me laughing uproariously at the irony while simultaneously being horrified. Well, this is a first. A unique situation indeed, specific to the character building of this fanfic alone.
miss-direct836 chapter 7 . 1/30/2024
Oh, this joke is rich.
Ancalagon464 chapter 35 . 1/16/2024
I read this and Accidental Horcrux on an old account back in 2015/2016, and I was so happy to see you had updated it with the incomplete chapters. These two stories are probably the best written I have ever come across on this website. In particular I think you did a great job of writing from a child's perspective in the first book.
you really made JKRs magic system your own with all the books, soul magic, spell crafting, runes and arithmancy depth that you created. These topics often had lots of exposition, but it made me feel like Harry was really a student, and the world felt more real.
Then there were the little things like Tom's occasional snide comments that I found really enjoyable. I think my favorite scene was in first year when Hermione comes over to the Slytherin table thanking Harry for decapitating the troll, and all the kids there are flabbergasted LMAO. A bit of a sadder line that I liked was when Harry stood in front of the bathroom in Privat Dr before leaving the place forever and thought, "this is the place I met Tom" or something like that. Idk why but that image just made me really sad. Or when Harry thinks Tom is gone forever after the chamber of secrets (I just really loved their "friendship"). Tom beating young Tom's ass while Harry cheers him on is also great (there's so many good moments).
It was great that Harry still got his ass kicked by Sirius in 4th year Auror training, it ruins the story when authors make him OP. You even had the perfect excuse to make him OP, what with getting trained by the dark lord 24/7 for years but it would suck if at 14 he could just whoop everybody.

The new chapters were great but to have so many deaths so quick, felt very sudden. Dumbledore's was so heartbreaking because there was always that what if possibility of if Dumbledore had truly confronted Tom and Harry and tried to fix them as a way of doing for them what he failed to do for teenage Tom. The fact he acknowledges that he knows in his final words is just brutal. But then to lose Sirius and Tom right after leaves me feeling that the story almost loses its whole identity, I find it hard to imagine being as invested with Tom gone. Harry basically has a fresh start as a broken person, it's almost a whole new story but I can't believe there would be a happy ending. Techno wizards in space is cool and all but I care about characters!
The scenario it ends in seems like the start of Harry becoming ultrapowerful and going to war, but I can't help but feel some new very interesting characters would need to fill the holes that Tom, Albus, and Sirius left (those are some big shoes to fill). ik they will kind of follow him around b/c of the stone, but ghosts can only be so interesting (although I suppose tom was in a sense a ghost for the whole fic, but he wouldn't become a ghost because he isn't the master soul I would presume). Maybe Grindelwald becomes a new mentor for Harry?
I have to confess I'm surprised you played so much into the deathly hallows (although it was foreshadowed for a while). It almost feels like the start to an over powered master of death harry story with lots of politics, which seems quite boring and this story has been anything but that.

I thought I would share my thoughts on the story, it seems doubtful that it will be continued but I think it's so great and wanted you to know that. I hope that if I ever get around to writing a story of my own it will be written as good as this one.

*on a side not, why does this site only allow one review per chapter?
Ancalagon464 chapter 36 . 1/16/2024
Not Tom :(
maiqsmail chapter 36 . 12/29/2023
Ahhh. Just when the wild action arc starts, it was abandoned. A shame really, such a nice fic so far. An author is good writer, yet at the same time a melted snowflake.
maiqsmail chapter 28 . 12/29/2023
Well, that is sudden. And stupid. I don't care about twitter activities, nor about non-canon additions by JKR after the books. Why should you.
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