Reviews for Harry Potter and the Chrysalis
IruMinO chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
This is a great start ! I'm not an expert in literature so my opinion won't weigh much I honestly like their emotional development, and served from snape's perspective, I can buy his inner monologues, seeing as I can see him react that way, the end tho, it was a little heartwarming
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
It was so great! i love that harry and snape are beginning to get along and im glad u finally posted ! will eagerly await the next chapter
Cake Bird chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
Yess! I have been waiting for the sequel and i am not disappointed! Such a great chapter and I am actually excited for this Snape redemption, as it is done extremely better than I have seen in other stories.
Winterlover6 chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
Damn, Harry will make a frightening politician one day.
Jiraiya's Disciple chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
Awesome chapter. I'm so insanely pumped for the rest of the story. I love your portrayal of Snape.
KiraiAnca chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
You made my Sunday posting this!

I can see why this chapter would have been difficult to write, I just hope the next few ones from Harry's POV will be easier on you. In a lot of stories I follow (followed), the last chapter AN says some variation of "I changed my job and moved town, but I hope I'll be able to update regularly again". Changes like this also influence your creative energy, you might crave slightly different outlets... I just hope you'll buck the trend and the story will still be around for a long, long time.

The chapter was great, as always. I liked how Harry reacted to Snape's prying, though I wonder how much of it he noticed vs Voldemort pointing it out - and I really want to know what he's doing on the walks (how come Snape didn't get suspicious anyway?).

My favorite scene in the story is still the part where he showed the child skull to his friends on the train, so I'm hoping for more weirdness/creepyness from Harry, maybe even with Snape if he relaxes around him.
SernaJ chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
I'm sooooooo happy to see that you published this already! Honestly, I was expecting a longer break, but as always, you exceed my expectations by farKeep on going!
Lliono chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
a bit of an angsty start, I hope it will pass or at least make place for more political games againotherwise nice
Moriem chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
"The boy, however, took it in stride, and was still fixated on winning his approval. He should have questioned why the boy was so unfazed by his contempt, constant verbal assaults, and generally negative reactions to everything her did."

I believe you meant to say "everything he did" rather than "everything her did".
Fireflyeleven chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
Ha! I'm the first! Great story, by the way.
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