Reviews for Harry Potter and the Chrysalis
SvenskaSkalman chapter 1 . 2/28/2022
Really great writing
Falbala03 chapter 35 . 2/7/2022
I'm so glad you published these chapters ! I love this story and I understand that life can get in the middle of it, or that motivation is not what it used to be. There still are about a million questions of what's happening after.
I just wonder if is this the end and we get to imagine what comes next, or do you think you will continue this if you can/want ? Thank you so much !
UnknownUserNr47 chapter 11 . 1/30/2022
My only complaint comes from me being a fan of Hermione and the main char in these story’s. But, alas, it was never meant to be. No use in crying over spilled milk. Keep the story interesting and I don’t care what they do beging closed doors.
„ I don't like 'em putting Potions in the water that turn the freakin' magicals gay!“ - Uncle Vernom probably
imnotahorcrux chapter 36 . 1/26/2022
ok... I honestly just finsihed Harry Potter and The Accidental Horcrux, and I, as always, checked the reviews.
I guess it's my fault that I got a bit spoiled. Not to the whole plot, but enough that made me skipped to the latest chapter and skimmed it.
Suffice to say that I'm content with the first book lol. I just had a panic attack from schoolworks, and I don't think I'm fit for any kind of angst rn. I grew to love this Harry and Tom tandem, and I feel like reading this would just hurt. This latest chapter seems to indicate so.
Right ... I'm going to pretend I didn't just read these last few paragraphs.I don't even know the whole context, but THAT just broke me. damn it.
Marlen Padua chapter 36 . 1/26/2022
This is a very good story, I’m saddened that there is no more chapters... but please do take care of yourself.
tejontt chapter 4 . 1/14/2022
Incredible naive views on economics, took me right out of the story. I guess if you are going for the incompetent despot angle...
kingofeverything chapter 11 . 1/11/2022
Please tell me there won't be any homosexuality except of Hermione
Guest chapter 36 . 1/7/2022
skimmed through this mess
not surprised to see it go absolutely nowhere

also, sorry bud but this is gay as fuck. Can't believe the mental gymnastics about how it's not slash, and at the end of the day, you got harry holding hands and cuddling with his gayboy "best friend"... I guess we all need our delusions uh
Guest chapter 36 . 1/4/2022
Brilliant. Been reading for years and I could leave a long review, about how much I appreciate you and everything else. But regarding your story, brilliant. Good luck with your life! You seem to be powering through well. Thank you for all this. Sincerely.
The.dilars chapter 36 . 1/4/2022
Amazing. I've read it two times
Li-Ion78 chapter 5 . 1/4/2022
damn some radical thinking going on in here. it's sad that harry could not see past his prejudice in muggles because of his experiences. i dont even know how to say it but he has the right to choose how to associate with them . at least he knows that there are muggles that are not bad, but that's setting tthe bar too low. a little extremist for my taste to kill the parents of muggleborn children , he can fix that policy better when he's older. the bigger muggle world will take notice enough with developing technology and i know harry is aware of that. genuine social change on the other hand, that would take a long time, but what really matters is power and harry lots of it, i m sure he can dismantle the corruption that pervades their very own govenrment, however ambitious it might be
Li-Ion78 chapter 4 . 1/4/2022
aiya i know they re not paired but they would really be cute together since harry values loyalty and friendship more than romantics.
arabelladeveraux chapter 36 . 1/3/2022
I thank you for these last few chapters, and hope that everything works out for you in life. I must admit though, I really hope you someday return and finish this fic. What a ride! loved every minute of it 3
Abdullahsaurus chapter 36 . 12/15/2021
Oof, not a terrible place to end this story tbh. Glad to hear you're doing well more or less :) Take care and wish you success.
the humblest person ever chapter 1 . 12/11/2021
when u posted I was actually re-reading the accidentally horcrux again and I had to re-read the entirety so that I could appreciate it fully. this is so flippin sweet I mean it's well written and complex and it hurts to watch Harry go through this but it'd also so well written.
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