Reviews for The Waves are Calling
BlindmanV2 chapter 4 . 10/5/2020
Is there a timeline to these? I was hoping Moana and Danny would talk.
Phoenix-Inferno18 chapter 4 . 11/22/2018
Oh my gosh what an amazing story! I can’t believe it doesn’t have a hundred reviews already. Nice work!
ShadowYashi chapter 4 . 3/10/2017
Oh my gosh this is amazing. So I just saw Moana not too long ago and I'm on a Moana fic kick and crossovers are always a blast. This is great! Gosh I'm loving this so much, I do hope you continue it, it's really good and I'm eager to see where it goes. Looks like Moana just had an encounter with Vlad, can't wait to see her interactions with Danny. Man, finding this made my night.
RhymingRobin chapter 4 . 2/14/2017
Phantomfray chapter 4 . 1/11/2017
*Blinks in shock* What have you done?! This concept, this crossover, it's amazing. I'm particularly fond of chapter three but this is the only crossover of this type and for the next few weeks I'm probably going to imagine Danny floating around the island and learning to sail and weaving baskets and searching anyway to get home and it's ALL YOUR FAULT. Thank you :)