Reviews for My Name is Taylor |
Priest chapter 2 . 7/8 Another interesting story and I'd love to see you continue at some day soon. |
devildust chapter 1 . 5/7 funnily enough the whole thing could've been avoided if he wasn't thinking with his dick |
Dragonaut344Doomed chapter 2 . 9/5/2023 I love to see justice. Nothing quite like it. Whats truly horrible is that this situation isn't an exaggeration in the slightest. It is very accurate in that detail. Many stories just outright bash anyone who doesn't align with thier ethics or worship the main character or simply that they don't like them or even simply as a thier plot forward not caring about thier toxicity. That is just how messed up the world of Worm is. |
jnautking chapter 2 . 7/9/2023 This is good, you should continue. |
Ashen Author chapter 2 . 9/9/2022 Hah! Great story idea, I love all the moving pieces coming together like this and seeing what Higgs is thinking. |
dogbertcarroll chapter 2 . 2/17/2022 Shadow form versus light powers... alas poor Sophia, we knew her well. |
guestinator chapter 2 . 12/26/2021 Guessing you gave up on this one to? So many stories dead... |
Kraizy chapter 2 . 7/25/2021 Why would you just stop the story right there? If you're not going to show any form of commitment then don't bother writing. |
SlickRCBD chapter 2 . 12/9/2020 So much potential, I've been anxiously awaiting to see how things proceed from here and what plan Piggot & co. came up with. Any chance of this being finished? |
Leechblade chapter 2 . 1/16/2020 Well, that escalated quickly. Shame we couldn't see Piggot cowering in fear. |
kd5mtj chapter 2 . 10/24/2019 did you finish this anywhere else? or should i just hope so. Also Great story so far, |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2019 The cover up could be argued even further do to velocity’s actions of drugging Taylor without any attempt at communication (even if it was do to a misunderstanding). |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/18/2019 I wonder what happened to the evidence of Taylor’s Trigger. Considering that the phone operator said not to clean off the biohazardous filth so that they could take pictures for evidence. Would the PRT have taken those pictures? Or even have kept the clothes? What about the locker itself? Depending on what they did it could be argued that they contaminated the evidence and were covering up the crime. |
Alehhandro chapter 2 . 8/7/2019 AAwww maaan this is a nice piece! i sure hope you will, at least, write a third chapter for this, the idea is divine and i'd LOVE to see Carols take in all of that! Hooo Boy! |
Aesop chapter 2 . 8/2/2019 There definitely needs to be more of this. |