Reviews for By Your Side is Where I Belong
shukkets chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
Akuma no Hono chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
Finally an update!
And omg I can't wait till they reach Alabasta!
I legit can't wait to see how Croco is going to react xD
zhojanwow94 chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
are you going to make a kind of link between robin and naruto like you did with gara and nami?
LL chapter 9 . 5/15/2020
I’ve been reading this story since yesterday and I just can’t stop. This story is amazing and I’m glad you are still updating. Pleases keep up the good work and stay safe from COVID19
buterflypuss chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
good chap
QueenEioldd chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
I loved this! Also if anything Shukaku is more pro humanity and Kurama is more cynical and less likely to accept anyone.

I loved the back story of Shukaku and Kurama, and I especially love Ryumma! He’s so accepting and right, humans can be monsters as well.

Also it’s weird to hear vivi’s version to what actually happened. I guess Chinese whispers changed the story and made it into a myth.
Andrea and Naturberd chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
"You're so fluffy I could die" is that agnes from despicable me in the body of gaara? XD
Joke Dagger chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
Arkadian97 chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
I m following this story from first chapter and I must say you really suprised me. I didn't expect you would finish East Blue Saga let alone come to the Drum Island with excelent writing. And I really like how you changed canon. They fit really good and not destroyed the story. This become my second favorite story. Good luck with Alabasta.
RHatch89 chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
Awesome update :)
Mister LaGuardia chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
Another great chapter; I love Gaaras' reaction to Chopper. Thanks for the update!
Gamelover41592 chapter 25 . 5/15/2020
this was very well done and what Gaara did to chopper was funny though given the flashbacks I now fear for Shukaku when they get to thiller bark
pikapikachu4291 chapter 24 . 4/2/2020
When will you update ? i love your story one of the best I read
OtakuBuddy777 chapter 24 . 3/21/2020
This is probably my all time favorite fanfic I’ve come across so far! XD So good!
tsun chapter 24 . 3/18/2020
Nice chapter though I hope miss goldenweek and miss valentine did join the crew. the more the merrier.
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