Reviews for By Your Side is Where I Belong
Pinkypi chapter 26 . 3/1/2021
Because Gaara uses chakra to control sand but Crocodile can subvert that. ._. on the flip side Gaara should trump the sand control of sand that doesn't make up Crocodiles body and if Shukaku himself controled the sand I think Crocodile would lose. I really love this story but I'm not just speaking for myself when I say WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE BOUNTIES ON THE STRAW HATS?! Anyways like I said I love the story though.
Pinkypi chapter 20 . 3/1/2021
uhhh you seriously got the money amount for cocoyashi village wrong lol... 2 million is 50 times less than what it's suppose to be nami would've been had the 2 million after a couple years since she got most of her haul finished recently off of buggy and then later the 80 million (though this parts only for your story) split she got for the black cat pirates.
Josnacio chapter 18 . 2/12/2021
"That started the crew on plucking the bird and Gaara collecting the desired feathers for his "art"."
I can't help but think that Gaara is becoming increasingly more Sasori-like as time passes by.
LittleAngel2292 chapter 26 . 2/11/2021
Great chapter I loved it so much omfg
Planar-Walking-Entertainment chapter 14 . 2/9/2021
XD the macabre guilt trip that explains devastating events that would depict a horrible future which everyone would die that would then guilt the person in question to just use some common sense. This is the second time i seen something like this.
razmire chapter 26 . 2/8/2021
Gaara and Crocodile repelling each other is something that I never saw coming, can’t help but wonder if the effect would be magnified if it was Shukaku versus Crocodile.
Chris chapter 26 . 2/6/2021
I did NOT think this would be updated again! But here you are! And this chapter was amazing!
Mister LaGuardia chapter 26 . 2/5/2021
Can't believe I didn't notice this story update; fantastic and expectation subverting as always.
lucysawyer18 chapter 2 . 2/4/2021
Omg he’s Ryoga from Ranma 1/2 he’s forever getting lost!
tacktician chapter 26 . 2/1/2021
Having Garra and Crocodile’s attacks repel against each other...Genius, I was wondering how the confrontation between those two words going to go especially how one piece Canaan ends up. I am curious who Naruto and Garra are going to fight during the big clash. (when each member of the straw hat crew had someone they were fighting)
CureCaligraphy chapter 1 . 1/31/2021
Ah yes, Zoro's... Well, Zoro. How to throw off tracker's 101.
Doctor Snake Eater chapter 26 . 1/30/2021
In hindsight, should've expected Gaara and Croc fighting to turn out that way. I wanna see Shukaku in action though... Now that'll be interesting.
Greer123 chapter 26 . 1/30/2021
Thank you for the new chapter of this story. Hope you are doing well and staying safe.
ArkAngelAzrael chapter 26 . 1/30/2021
Love it! Will Gaara and Crocodile fight again? Maybe Luffy/Gaara tag team? Will Gaara eat Croc's fruit? With how he talks, I doubt it, but it would be SUPER cool if he did! Also, if Ace didn't eat the Mera Mera no Mi (Flame Flame Fruit), is Naruto going to get it? Or does Sabo already have it? I have sooooo many questions! I have been following this story since I found it, It is Literally in my Favorite Never to be Deleted pile! That is how much I love this story! Patiently awaiting for an update!
AngelFallenDemon chapter 26 . 1/30/2021
loved the chapter. keep up the good work.
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