Reviews for Gorgon and Thanatos
Guest chapter 18 . 8/6/2018
He's kind of being like Dumble. Being surrounded by people that are always disappointing him.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/6/2018
Trust him to not hurt him or Medusa. Yeah right.
BlitzkriegAngel chapter 11 . 6/22/2018
Reading the poem actually caused me to look it up. Its not originally Gaimans work. It is Ancient EgyptianConfessions of a Misanthropic Soul if I remember correctly. Still an amazing fit for this story and now one of my favorite poems.
Guest chapter 15 . 3/24/2018
Couldn't Harry ask Fawkes for some Phoenix tears to cure Illyas mom?
Guest chapter 21 . 2/20/2018
I think this is a unique great fanfic idea where a dark,or gray Harry summons the Fate Grand order anime Lancer Medusa for the 5th holy grail war, or the grail in Fate Apocrypha. As to why, I think that version of Medusa fits Harry best because of snake speak/parseltounge,and her Noble Phantasm the scythe Harpe fits with Harry's powers and title as The Master of Death he gains from the Deathly Hallows relics.
KongKing94 chapter 21 . 2/15/2018
When Gilgamesh is willing to get involved you know shit has gone wrong
God-King Ghidora chapter 21 . 2/15/2018
Can I make one suggestion? I would love it if you made Harry and that Aspect of Thanatos merge when he undergoes Apotheosis, as in the two are one being as a gestalt entity. That would be awesome!
robert32514 chapter 21 . 2/9/2018
If you've seen Highlander Endgame, I'm going to take a line from a drunken redheaded lout, named Dave, 'May love remain to guide your way, until the day you are reborn. Just kiss her already, Harry, would ya'.'
DamonMaddox chapter 20 . 2/3/2018
Can't help it, but I need to share this thought. Kiri, Grail'Iri and Mercur'Iri in a three-way...
Mercury Poisoning.
DalkonCledwin chapter 21 . 1/28/2018
Looking forward to more.
DalkonCledwin chapter 20 . 1/28/2018
DalkonCledwin chapter 18 . 1/28/2018
Eh… actually I think Draco turned out pretty decently.
DalkonCledwin chapter 17 . 1/28/2018
Marble Phantasm is essentially Nasuverse's solution to Franklin Richards. That is about as simple an explanation as you're ever going to get on what it is and what it does. Though it does fall spectacularly short in proportionate scale to what Franklin can do with his powers...
DalkonCledwin chapter 16 . 1/28/2018
Thanatos is the Primal Deity who is one of the sons of Nyx, and Nyx is the sister of Gaia, which places him in the same generation as the Primal Deity Ouranos, who is the father of the Titans, of whom Cronus was the leader, which makes Thanatos OLDER than Hades’ father! Calling Hades the BOSS of Thanatos is a bit silly, don’t you think? It’s also why even the Gods of Olympus fear Death, and incidentally is why the Grim Reaper race of High School DxD makes no sense to me.

Well… to be fair… her [Avenger - Gorgon] form is pretty darn close to being a monster… and when she got summoned as a Berserker in the Ainsworth Holy Grail Wars, she was pretty much worse than Heracles is under the same designation… incidentally, it was Illya who summoned her as a Berserker in the Ainsworth War…

Eh… actually… no… that thing Caster summoned was at most just a Star-Spawn. It certainly wasn’t on the scale of a Great Old One such as Cthulhu, not even close. Cthulhu could plant his equivalent to feet in the sand at the bottom of the Challenger Deep and be capable of breaking the surface of the ocean if he stands to his full height. That is how massive the Great Old One actually is supposed to be.

For reference, the depth of the Challenger Deep is 10,994 meters with an estimated vertical accuracy of /- 40 meters. By comparison, Mount Everest is just shy of 8,850 meters. The thing that Caster summoned wasn’t remotely in that playing field. There is a very good reason not to wake Cthulhu up, it has everything to do with the continent shattering tidal waves he’d cause if he decides to leave his island!
Douggernaut chapter 21 . 1/26/2018
Cool story. Will follow for more.
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