Reviews for Gorgon and Thanatos
MrTwistr chapter 6 . 12/31/2016
I've always thought that the main reason Harry turned out so different from Riddle is power...specifically, Voldemort could use his magic consciously at a young age and Harry couldn't. Harry always being helpless in the face of his relatives aggression and alienation caused him to develop empathy. Riddle was powerful and used that power to put himself above others so they couldn't hurt him.
Greyjedi449t chapter 10 . 12/31/2016
Very well done on the story.

Really looking forward to the next chapter :)
Ghul chapter 9 . 12/31/2016
its really hard to get a good impression of kiritsugu he has good in him but he is a monster his main problem is his self hatred this causes him to take his ruthless nature to far a perfect example the hotel bombing years ago he would have blown it up with all the people inside however this would have been pointless kayneth was not attached to the rest of the hotel and would not have known about the evacuation and wouldn't have cared sense he wanted him to try go through his traps so the magus killer first instint to kill all those people make you wonder how many time he killed people for no reason
Ghul chapter 4 . 12/31/2016
oddly enough we finally seen what primate murder looks like and he is adorable and has a bad mouth
Ghul chapter 2 . 12/31/2016
you are not wrong about tokiomi he is not a good person but he is not a monster most magi are he for a magi a softhearted which is disturbing to be honest no if he had known what would happen to sakura he would never have given her to the matou even just for the case that she had her potential wasted
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