Reviews for Bitter As Blood
sielge chapter 2 . 4/22/2006
This one is a beautiful piece of writing!
sprocketwheel chapter 2 . 2/12/2004
you nearly had me in tears. that's not fair. it's not. you DO have me in tears. that's REALLY not fair.
thi. is. amazing. and no joke. i really, really love it. so much so, i've put it on my favourites. coz this is truly astounding.
that's all i can say.
honestly. i love him, and you've put him perfectly.
sprocketwheel chapter 1 . 2/9/2004
wow. very powerful. hense, no words to describe it. except, of course, very powerful. well done.
Ecri chapter 1 . 11/8/2003
This is one of the most powerful fics I have ever read. Beautifully written. Excellent.
Yilantri chapter 2 . 7/3/2003
When will this stop? I simply cannOT keep reading your writing, it makes my writing seem so inferior! Rather, I know my fanfiction is, but now I'm losing faith in my original fiction...your writing is so phenomenal, as is this story. I loved it.
CJ chapter 2 . 6/29/2003
I know I said this was wonderful before but I really love this part. I've reread it often and it still bites.
Gypsie Rose chapter 2 . 6/18/2003
Hey-I tried sending this earlier, but it looks as if it didn't get through, so I'll try again. Excellent story, with excellent characterization- especially for Boromir. This is perhaps the best fan-fictionalized Boromir I've seen to date. Great work!

Bethlauria chapter 2 . 5/18/2003
Wow. That made me cry! I'll never watch those scenes and not think of the depth you gave them. Thanks for writing!
StarlightWarrior chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
Wow. . . great story. Very poetic, very flowing. There's not enough good Boromir fics.
Ainaechoiriel chapter 2 . 3/18/2003
Beautiful! The language flowed and the sentiment was perfect. And what a beautiful description of Boromir. One thing I would suggest: add those words to the end, the ones Aragorn can hear (I would have followed you to the end, my brother. My captain. My King!)
Eledhwen chapter 2 . 2/28/2003
Oh wow - this is great. Really lovely. (I know, gush, gush, not constructive! Sorry .)
Alida-Fruit chapter 2 . 2/25/2003
Woah, what can I say other then you are brilliant when it comes to inner thought monologues. You not only get across the spectrum of emotions your characters are feeling but let you reader follow a set plot from point to point. To write something so jumbled (as inner thoughts should be) yet still with that element of structure. I am envious. if only I could write so well, lol.

Is there any more of this in store or are you finished? I would be interested in reading such a monologue from each of the fellowship’s point of views from different moments during the quest (either book or movie verse). Can I persuade you to continue, lol?

Anyway, both chapters were a good read. Bravo for your talent!

Alida-Fruit chapter 1 . 2/25/2003
Wow! This is such a powerful look into poor Boromir's twisted psyche. You capture his inner turmoil and strife perfectly. You can sense his inner battle and how torn he must be now that Aragorn is going to change the life he has always known and adding in that slight sense of betrayal when he sees Aragorn holding the hilt of his sword. What a blow to Boromir’s pride when he is already so unsure of so many things. Wonderfully done. The repeated

“He thinks I do not see.

I see.”

Adds to the power of the monologue all the more. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! What more can I say. on to the next chapter!

Rose Cotton chapter 2 . 2/17/2003
This. is. incredible.

Very deep. Very, very deep, and very insightful with regards to Boromir, Aragorn, and their relationship. Your use of movie quotes wasn't overdone, for you took time to fully develop your thoughts in between each one.

I think you have a great perspective on this. I always felt, after watching that scene in the extended edition, that Boromir was as right as Aragorn. True, taking the Ring to Minas Tirith would have been unwise; but Aragorn responded so harshly, cutting off any comradery Boromir felt with him.

Wow. You've done a great job of making me think about these characters in a new light. Well done.
CJ chapter 2 . 2/17/2003
Wow. This was beautiful. I haven't read a lot of fics dealing with this type of POV but this was just wonderful.
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