Reviews for Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
BarbedCaress chapter 35 . 4/24/2024
I like the graveyard scene
Was afraid you would flood it with death eaters to make a battle scene.
Peter broke way too quickly, but artistic license and all that.
As to the conspiracy theories, my biggest complaint about those is an intimate understanding of human psychology. Large groups can't keep secrets long term.
But for a few years? We have evidence of that happening.
As i said previously, the numbers are becoming available. Too late to use to make decisions, but still valuable for evaluating the decisions after the fact.
I know you used to work for the government. Take a second and think about all the times they lied to you.
Even about stupid stuff that wouldn't matter to anyone.
Throw in the big stuff and you know why soldiers don't believe anything top brass says.
Only your 1st sgt can be trusted to tell you the truth... Usually.
BarbedCaress chapter 34 . 4/24/2024
The pandemic was not as bad as you are claiming.
Sorry, but those are the numbers.
Look at fatality rates in undeveloped countries and compare them to 'first world' nations.
Yes, i do have multiple degrees in this stuff.
We were lied to. The after action numbers prove it.
The reasons they lied are irrelevant.
Power grab, money grab, global experiment... Doesn't matter why.
But we can prove they did.
Here is a free piece of advice.
If "they" pass laws saying you can't sue them if they screwed up, you might want to reconsider if they are worthy of your trust.
BarbedCaress chapter 31 . 4/24/2024
Love what you did with Sybil
BarbedCaress chapter 30 . 4/24/2024
Glad your first hip went smoothly
BarbedCaress chapter 28 . 4/24/2024
I like the turn on Draco
Just because he is an evil lil bastard doesn't mean he is stupid or incapable of learning.
(Although that is the way JR wrote uim for most of the book)
BarbedCaress chapter 27 . 4/24/2024
Humor is hard to write, but you keep nailing it
Well done!

Ps if you like horror movies Abigail 2024 is pretty good
BarbedCaress chapter 24 . 4/24/2024
Sorry dude
The issue with the masks (and the vaccines) is they didn't work.
They didn't stop the infection and they didn't stop the spread.
They have even admitted it now, when it is far too late to matter.
If home-made masks could stop viruses, we would never had to develop the N95.
And the vaccine did not prevent getting the disease or stop the vaccinated from spreading it. Which clearly indicates it was not a vaccine, by definition.
The entire mess was one huge CF.
BarbedCaress chapter 23 . 4/24/2024
I feel your pain.
I'm a life long conservative democrat.
Although to be clearer, I'm a fiscal conservative and a social moderate.
Translation, balance the budget! Money left over can be used to fund reasonable social programs.
If i hadn't promised my dad i would always be a registered democrat, I'd probably be a registered Libertarian.
BarbedCaress chapter 22 . 4/24/2024
No brakes?
What do you do?
Down shift.
BarbedCaress chapter 20 . 4/24/2024
Right there with you on Draco
He didn't deserve a redemption arc
BarbedCaress chapter 16 . 4/24/2024
Love my country.
But the government?
Still on the fence.

PS Mammograms use xrays. Old tech and thus cheaper.
If they have trouble imaging someone, a guy for example, MRI is a more expensive but excellent alternative.
BarbedCaress chapter 15 . 4/24/2024
1) White Christians are not the majority of the world. Get over your victim illusion. You're a USMarine. Act like it. You are inferior to none and the world cannot victimize you. They are here for your amusement. Got it?

2) DOOM 2016 is awesome! Glory kills rock, but sawing a demon in two with a chainsaw brings a smile to my face.

3) Before you ask, no I'm not a Marine. But i am the non-marine you want close by. Medic. :) Became an MD later in life.

4) Really enjoying your story. Sal is awesome!
Detsella Morningdew chapter 16 . 4/12/2024
At this point I'm pretty sure the U.S. Constitution is a polite fiction.

Tons of laws stomp all over it. Obviously, too. But if enough fear tactics are used over the news, most people don't bat an eye.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 7 . 4/12/2024
This is consistently hilarious. And somehow feels more realistic than 90% of HP fanfics.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 3 . 4/12/2024
I'm pretty sure most of the Ron hate comes from people who watched the movies. Lots of negative stuff gets shoved on Ron as comic relief, and he even gets robbed of pretty critical things, his accomplishments being given to Hermione.

I'm not a giant Ron fan, but fanon Ron is a caricature, with the most negative traits exaggerated to the extreme, even when other movie stuff is ignored.

Snape is almost the opposite - the movies portrayed him much more sympathetically than his childish behavior in the books.
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