Reviews for Guardian Blue (Prequel) - Thanks for the Fox
Aninat131 chapter 6 . 10/15/2023
I finally got a chance to read this story, and it was as heartwarming as I had heard it was. It was fluffy, yes, but in all the best ways. I love how you depicted Nick's mom, and the reveal at the diner was my favourite part of the story, followed closely by Nick's initial reaction to smelling the food. It left me with a smile on my face and a warmth in my heart. Thank you for that.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/26/2022
jajaa adore este final a lo judy y nick si me siso sentir algo de nostalía
HAY QUE CASO chapter 5 . 4/26/2022
jaja suertudo nick mi madre e hubiera asotado primero por perder comunicación luego ya me hubiera abrazado jaja
Guest chapter 4 . 4/26/2022
cielos ya me dio hambre
Guest chapter 3 . 4/26/2022
que diablos no que estava muerta
Guest chapter 2 . 4/26/2022
es duro pero para otroses mas duro no mostrar emociones no por que no quiera si no por autodefensa genial aquellos que pueden mostrar emociones a libertad no es sencillo cuando como autodefensa no puedes hacerlo delante los demás
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2022
hay quiero llorar cielos casi casi lloro
MapleHoneySyrup chapter 6 . 7/8/2021
This series was one of the first I read when I joined the fandom, so glad it was! I felt like I was in the story the whole ride. When Judy found Nick’s mother, I was so elated, you would have thought I found his mother! Fantastic prequel.
Colonel Arbuckle chapter 6 . 3/29/2021
This was so beautiful! I can't wait to read the rest of your series! Amazing work!
Pampur chapter 1 . 8/27/2020
Wonderful story! Perfect in ALL ways possible!

A friend of mine has been hounding me to read this story series of yours for over a year, and now I understand WHY!

You are an excellent writer and with much to say of IMPORTANCE is these trying days!

I am hooked, and can't wait to inhale the entire series as quickly possible...I feel I NEED one does OXYGEN!
asus chapter 5 . 8/8/2020
si no hay comida como la de ma especialmente sus dulces o su pollo guisado su res ñan ñan o su rica limonada para el refriado es la mejor y que tipo tan cretino el del supermercado
asus chapter 6 . 8/8/2020
internet terrible pero valio la pena pelear con el traductor por terminarla y noo hay dudad que si judi fuera un ser humano sería uno estupendo los grandes se equivocan pero solo los gigantes lo admiten y deciden ser fuerte para otros
Warriorpup28 chapter 4 . 6/25/2020
brain read faster so Nick can be reunited with his mother, omg.
Warriorpup28 chapter 3 . 6/25/2020
This was so excellently executed, bravo!
cococ chapter 6 . 5/12/2020
jaja y eso quiere decir nunca subestimes a una conejita chiquitta que tiene alma de depredador
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